
2011-11-1/ 图像资料下载/ 国际资讯/ 只看大图 阅读模式
London real estate stalking) z- t7 t" R2 f) `, n0 g4 @
The kind folks over at Domus Nova (estate agency extraordinaire) must have sensed how swamped I am these days so they ever so graciously sent over some photos of some of their latest homes for sale. This first one if fantastic for the most part - but I am not loving the sterile kitchen and what's the purpose of 2 dining tables? The distortion thanks to the camera lenses used would certainly have me calling us Domus and asking for an appointment to view in person. I do however adore the bathroom, staircase, wood stove setup and furnishings (helloooooo TWO Papa Bear chairs!!). I'll be posting another home shortly so stay tuned!
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标签: 英国伦敦


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