
2024-1-15/ 酒店餐饮/ 酒店空间/ 只看大图 阅读模式


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悉尼嘉佩乐酒店,坐落于悉尼的中心地带,是嘉佩乐酒店及度假村在澳大利亚的第一家酒店。BAR Studio 和 Make Architects 完成了对这座悉尼地标的重新设计,为这座城市的酒店服务业树立了新的标杆。
Capella Sydney, located in the heart of Sydney, is Capella Hotels & Resorts' first hotel in Australia. BAR Studio and Make Architects have completed a redesign of this Sydney landmark that sets a new benchmark for the city's hospitality industry.

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悉尼嘉佩乐酒店的建筑历史可以追溯到 20 世纪 20 年代,最初是由乔治·麦克雷设计的八层楼高的住宅,为教育部所用。Make Architects 对其进行了重新配置,使其布局现代化,同时保留并突出了原始的特色,如楼梯和入口。此外,还增加了几层楼,但它们从原始立面后退,因此从街道上几乎看不到延伸部分。三层新的地下室用于后台功能,旨在减少对遗产结构的影响。
The Capella Hotel Sydney dates back to the 1920s as an eight-storey residence designed by George McRae and used by the Department of Education. Make Architects reconfigured it to modernize its layout while retaining and highlighting original features such as the staircase and entrance. In addition, several floors have been added, but they are set back from the original facade so that little of the extension is visible from the street. Three new basements are used for backstage functions and are designed to reduce the impact on the heritage structure.

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BAR Studio 试图通过一系列以木材和钢结构构建的视觉门户将各个底层空间连接起来,而其在 192 间客房中的作品则是创造持久住宅环境的大师级作品。客房宽敞豪华,最小的面积为 46 平方米,装修精致,格调庄重。大量使用了皮革、木材和触觉纺织品等材料,装饰花瓶、书籍、灯具和物品则遍布房间和整个酒店,这些都是与墨尔本设计师 Simone Haag 合作的结果。
BAR Studio seeks to connect the various ground floor Spaces through a series of visual portals constructed in wood and steel structures, while its work in 192 guest rooms is a masterclass in creating a durable residential environment. The rooms are spacious and luxurious, with a minimum area of 46 square meters, exquisitely decorated and dignified style. Extensive use of materials such as leather, wood and tactile textiles, decorative vases, books, lamps and objects throughout the room and throughout the hotel, are the result of a collaboration with Melbourne-based designer Simone Haag.

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Capella Hotel Sydney is not only a luxury place to stay, but also a heritage and development of local culture. The art collection at the hotel showcases masterpieces by indigenous artists, allowing guests to enjoy luxury while also delving into the local culture.

Although the hotel has been open for less than a year, it has already left a lasting and vivid impression. Not only is it a welcome addition to Sydney's hospitality industry, it's a hotel that understands its audience and knows how to delight them. As time goes on, the building will only get better and bring more glory to the city.

项目信息 /  information
           项目名称PROJECT NAME : The Capella Hotel
位置LOCATION : Sydney
内容策划 / Presented
编辑 EDITOR :Frank
              撰文 WRITER :L.xue     校改 CORRECTION : W.zi
图片版权 COPYRIGHT :BAR Studio



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