矩阵纵横—重庆茶园法式别墅Matrix – Chongqing Chayuan French Villa主创设计:王冠、刘建辉、王兆宝Designer: Wang Guan / Liu Jianhui / Wang Zhaobao项目性质:别墅Project Nature:Villa设计面积:383㎡Design Area: 383㎡硬装造价:4000元/平方Hard Decoration Cost: 4000¥/㎡软装造价:4000 元/平方Soft Decoration Cost: 4000¥/㎡主要材料:白色手扫漆 艺术墙布 玉芙蓉大理石 水刀拼花石材 实木地板 玫瑰金不锈钢 手绘墙布 手工地毯Main Materials:White brushing lacquer、Wall Paper、Jade lotus marble、Stone、Rose gold stainless steel、carpet设计时间:2015年5月Start Time: May 2015完成时间:2015年10月Completion Time: October 2015设计说明:重庆茶园法式别墅在布局上突出了轴线的对称,恢宏的气势和豪华舒适的居住空间,空间高贵典雅,细节处理上运用了法式廊柱、雕花、线条、制作工艺精细考究。法式风格讲究点缀在自然中,艺术墙布、玉芙蓉大理石、玫瑰金不锈钢的运用使色彩与内在产生了联系,设计师追求的不是简简单单的协调而是冲突之美。在设计上讲求心灵的自然回归感,给人一种扑面而来的浓郁气息,开放式的空间结构、随处可见的花卉和绿色植物、雕刻精细的家具…所有的一切从整体上营造出一种田园之气,在任何一个角落,都能体会到主人悠然自得的生活和阳光般明媚的心情。Chongqing Chayuan french villa highlighted the axis of symmetry in the layout, magnificent momentum and luxurious and comfortable living space, elegant space, using the French pillars, carve patterns or designs on woodwork, detail processing lines, fine craftsmanship. French style exquisite ornament in nature, art wall cloth, the use of the jade lotus marble, stainless steel rose gold color and the connections between, stylist pursuit is not a simple coordination but the beauty of conflict. Emphasized on the design of the natural regression of the heart feeling, give a person a kind of face of full-bodied breath, open space structure, flowers and green plants everywhere, carving delicate furniture... Everything on the project can realize the master carefree life and the beautiful sunshine.
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