壹阁设计 x 作 『Grey』
鹭湖宫,温江LUHU palace,Wenjiang当黑白交织在一起,又融合出了另一种不仅拥有神秘还有一丝纯洁的颜色——灰When black and white merge together, brings out another kind of mystery color - gray.
由于原始户型的开间很大,初看各个空间都很宽敞,实际上各个空间都没有得到有效的私密感。因此,结合屋主的需求,我们将空间重新布置。Due to the large apartment, at the first glance,the space is very spacious. In fact, each space is not private, Therefore, in combination with the needs of the owners, we will rearrange the space.
本案屋主家是三世同堂住在一起,家中的老人主要负责照顾家中小朋友的日常起居;因此在风格、颜色的选择上,我们大面积使用灰色,平衡功能性的同时极尽简约...The design of the house we will focus on elderly people and children.
于是,我们为这套作品取名为『Grey』So we named it 『Grey』
光线从室外洒进来,新的一天即将开始。The light came in,the new day started
客厅大面积多以灰色以及深灰色作为空间第一基础色,融入木质元素,以及线条简单且颜色统一的家具作为空间第二层次。Gray and dark gray is used as the base of the first space, and we used lines and color as the base of the second space.
在成都的荔秋,和风吹过的白纱;当午后的阳光透过窗户,投下道道阴影时,惊艳了时光。In Chengdu went afternoon sun comes through the window. The light and shadow form into a picture.
孩子们眼中的世界是色彩缤纷的,我们只是想把最真实的颜色映射到现实中。In children eyes the world is colorful. We just want to put the most realistic color into reality.
在老人房,我们选择用浅木色地板铺贴,地板不似地砖的感受,在卧室的整个空间中增添了更多温馨感。In the elder room, we choose to use the light wood as the base color of the floor. Bring out the warmth from the space.
56㎡的超大卧室,重新调整布局,规划出两个房间,满足家庭成员使用;近12㎡的衣帽间,也能夫妻两人提供足够的储存量。56㎡ bedroom had being reorganize the layout and plan out two room to meet the need of the family. The 12㎡ cloakroom can also be used by their husband and wife.
项目名称 |INHERIT项目面积 | 191㎡硬装设计 | 壹阁设计软装设计 | 壹阁设计创意总监 | Denny Ho & 钟莉设计总监 | 李姝霖风格趋势 | 北欧混搭完成时间 | 2019年10月摄影师 | 贺川品牌支持 | 北欧表情,多乐士
jiuhaojianshen 发表于 2019-12-18 16:40
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空的用来放被子,上面挂衣服 6666666666666 谢谢分享 卧室柜子被床挡住的那部分,采用什么方式才能利用起来了??
barry1700 发表于 2019-12-16 12:45
全部灰色调当然暗啦,需要开灯开窗户,这种低沉恰恰有人喜欢 太暗了,白天都这么暗 不知道这个是样板间还是实际家庭居室,如果是实际家庭居室的话不知道设计师本人会不会想去住,色彩想法很大胆,但没有考虑到色彩心理学上方面因素对人造成的影响 很牛了 墙体这么暗的颜色 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿 太暗了
666666666 66666