本帖最后由 陌上设计事务所 于 2019-12-14 11:24 编辑用产品和空间进行融合,营造空间,增加体验感。
Combine products and spaces to create space and increase the sense of experience.
项目地点 | 杭州新时代家居生活广场A417-A418
设计单位 | 杭州陌上设计设计时间 | 2019.02完工时间 | 2019.08项目摄影 | 翰默视觉yigao
Project Location| New Times Home and Life Plaza A417-A418, HangzhouDesign unit| Hangzhou Moshang DesignDesign time| 2019.02Completion time| 2019.08Project Photography| Hanmo Vision yigao
▼ 平面布置图Layout chart
▼ 入口Entrance
The polished black stone gives the illusion of water. Combined with not reaching the top of the corridor at the entrance, it is hoped that people entering the space can also feel the relationship between indoor and outdoor. At the same time, it also expresses the wide application of the products.
The exterior corridor space combined with the laminam rock beam represents the unpretentious side of the product. Entering the internal space, the paintings on the wall and stainless steel corridor with curved center,combining the tiles and rock beam to express the other side of the product's fashionable attributes.
空间功能区通过内外两条廊道进行分割和连接,同时丰富了参观动线。丰富的动线在增加客户体验感提升的同时,又给店员为客户讲解产品和互动争取了更多的时间。进门廊道光影表现,丰富空间。The functional area is divided and connected by two inner and outer corridors, enriching the visiting lines at the same time. The rich moving lines not only increase customer experience, but also give more time for clerk to explain products and interact with customers.
▼方案沟通洽谈区Program communication negotiation area
▼接待洽谈区、橱柜吧台区Reception negotiation area, cabinet bar area
▼喝茶区Drinking tea area
▼产品样板展示区 卫浴空间Bathroom space
666666 水波纹不锈钢,设计的满好的。