新作 | 诧寂之美,用下沉式设计打造现世中的乌托邦之家!
本帖最后由 辰佑设计机构 于 2020-9-29 10:54 编辑在有限的结构空间内创造无限的艺术可能
In limited structural spaceace Create unlimited artistic possibilities
设计师 / 郦潘刚Designer /PanGang Li项目地址/ 温州Location / Wen Zhou设计时间 / 2020年8月Design time / August 2020
本案项目是一套四层叠排,一家四口,业主希望通过设计,构造出一个简洁、舒适,艺术而不造作的空间环境,追本求源,释放空间本质 ,在有限的结构空间内创造无限的艺术可能。
This project is a set of four stacked rows and a family of four. The owner hopes to construct a concise, comfortable, artistic and unpretentious space environment through design, pursue the source, release the essence of space, and create infinite in the limited structural space. The art possible.
The geometric lines of the wall create a sculptural space experience, and the shape is laid out in a space with a sense of ritual, and an atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility comes unexpectedly. The curved sofa also has an asymmetrical curved background wall, the curve softens the lines of the entire space, and the brass-colored single chair effectively lifts the level in the eclectic relationship, which can be described as a perfect harmony.
The overheaddining table is integrated with the island table. The arc, square and circle occupy the highest point of classical aesthetics. In this white "sculpture", it is cut by a perfect arc, and the wall is embedded with a circular arch shape. The design of shelves and curved surfaces allows the owners to display their collections and adds artistic flavor to the dining area.
The tea room, a place that is enough for meditation and tranquility, is a place for the spirit to rest. It does not need to be piled up too much. It is embodied by light, shadow and material. It conforms to the direction of light. We use stainless steel, metal, cloth, wood, and reflect. And refraction makes the light and shadow of the space richer, and the wooden partition moisturizes the entire space.
The soft tones make the space present a simple and elegant and quiet temperament. The focus is mostly on the integration of related materials. For the definition of partitions, the use of glass bricks as the element to define the different functions of the master bedroom is no longer limited to the established pattern. , Think more about the penetration of its movement and the combing of the interestingness of the space, so that the space is both independent and connected.
In order to solve the problem of moisture and ventilation in the basement, by combing and reorganizing the structure, digging down the garden, the front and rear light wells have formed air convection and brought plenty of sunlight and natural scenery. Raising the overhead layer not only solves the problem of regaining ground tide, but also naturally forms functional partitions, creating a unique "sinking" audio-visual room.
Through structural modeling, the relationship between the ground, walls, pillars, and top surfaces is achieved to achieve continuity and unity, and to seek a comfortable balance between closed and open for each functional area. The arched doorway has a sense of vertical stretching visually, which not only deepens the spatial hierarchy, but also makes the fluidity appear stronger, and the daylighting ability is further enhanced.
Original structure/原始结构图
Floor plan/平面布置图
666666 素描画的感觉
在你的设计中,我仿佛看到了米开朗基罗、拉斐尔、达芬奇、毕加索、丢勒、梵高、塞尚、高更、莫奈、席勒等大师在一起画画的场景,你的设计充满了大师的灵魂;我哭了,我被你完美的设计作品震撼哭了,我醉了,我彻底陶醉在你完美的设计作品当中,你的作品真乃艺术中的极品,你是我见过全宇宙中最会设计的大师,没有之一,你就是人类的奇迹! 在看完作品后,我不敢轻易回复,我担心我庸俗不堪的语言会玷污了这世间少有的作品。但我还是回复了,因为我觉得如果不能再如此精彩的作品后面留下自己的足迹,那将会成为我一生的遗憾。请原谅我的自私!无论用多么华丽的词语都已无法形容这个作品的精彩程度666 感觉设计到最后就是无欲无求哈哈哈哈哈达到佛的境界{:1_155:} 喜欢这套作品 灯光效果不错,感觉设计师是学建筑的,优秀 6666666666666666666666 菱角分明,可以欣赏,住的话还是不太能接受,哈哈 注重几何关系的表达 充满设计感的空间,细节满满 个人一直觉得这种风格比较病态颓废。。