冠冠咯 发表于 2021-1-29 21:45:12

Modern style | 克制与灵动

前言/ preface简约往往与丰富往往并不相容,但是我们希望营造既简约又富有生活气息的空间。我们的做法是先统一空间再释放丰富性:1.首先整体性考虑地、墙、天花的材质和色彩;用隐形柜门和隐形门,让柜体、门与墙融合;储物空间内嵌与墙体面平齐,将空间划整,留二成柜体用玻璃柜体与灯带,让具有展示性的物品被展示。 2.当硬装部分被统一规划之后,空间就像被释放了一样,主人可以按照自己的喜好或软装师的建议布置软装,赋予空间最大限度的可能性,装修也不用害怕风格倾向过于明显而终有过时之时。案例赏析/ Case appreciation平面图/ plan
客厅/ living room▼ 客厅采用小沙发配合灵活坐具,拒绝单板而显灵动。
The living room uses a small sofa with flexible seating, which rejects veneer and is agile.
▼ 长城板的竖向肌理叠加光影的跳动,清爽却又温暖。The vertical texture of veneers is superimposed with the beating of light, refreshing but warm.

▼ 光、材质和小物品营造的舒适小角落。Comfortable corners created by light, materials and small objects.
餐厨区/ dining and kitchen Spaces▼ 侧面的柜体与墙面平齐而使空间被统一,但在视觉上极具丰富性。The cabinet on the side is flush with the wall to unify the space, but it is visually rich.
▼ 墙上的凹龛中放置着被灯光打亮的艺术品,为功能性空间增添艺术小情趣。Art works illuminated by light are placed in the alcove on the wall, adding artistic interest to the functional space.

▼ 中岛结合餐桌,形成环形流线,让餐厨空间的互动变得友好。The dining table is combined with the dining table to form a circular streamline, making the interaction between the dining and kitchen spaces friendly.

▼ 利用边角空间,内嵌玻璃展示柜,让家变得赏心悦目。Utilizing the corner space, built-in glass display cabinets make the home beautiful.
卧室/ bedroom▼ 大面积白色色调加上少许木色点缀,简约而优雅。A large area of white color combined with a little wood color, simple and elegant.
▼ 阳台纳入卧室,让光和风穿过。The balcony is incorporated into the bedroom, allowing light and wind to pass through.

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查看完整版本: Modern style | 克制与灵动