臻观设计 | 轻奢,重新定义不凡
东海·贵和府样板项目——山东·德州Donghai Guihefu Exhibition Model Project
▲生活本归于宁静,当代都市生活的快节奏下,来自内心的呐喊, 在耳畔回溯宁静之声。Life is originally quiet. Under the fast rhythm of contemporary urban life, the cry from the heart, and the sound of peace is traced back to the ear.
▲卡其柔和的暖色调,让温暖连结客厅与餐厅;轻盈简约的零星点缀,增添一份理想人居的别致。Khaki soft warm tone, let the warmth connect the living room and dining room; Light and simple sporadic embellishment, add a unique ideal living.
▲一抹淡黄色的雏菊,中和冰冷的曜黑桌面,添一份明媚质感。A touch of light yellow daisy, and the cold Obsidian desktop, more beautiful texture.
▲开放式厨房阔绰的空间里,爱马仕橙皮椅成为亮点所在。In the spacious space of the open kitchen, Hermes orange chair becomes the highlight.
▲极简纯色系为主要基调的卧室,将休憩的轻快与放松充分释放。The bedroom with minimalist solid color as the main tone will fully release the lightness and relaxation of rest.
▲黑色皮椅所点缀的稳重感,与银色台灯所特有的摩登感,形成微妙的氛围组合,在严谨与静穆中,思索人生真谛。The sense of steadiness dotted with black leather chair and the unique modern sense of silver desk lamp form a delicate combination of atmosphere, thinking about the true meaning of life in the rigorous and quiet.
项目名称 | 德州·东海贵和府样板间硬装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司软装设计 | 山东臻观装饰设计工程有限公司完工时间 | 2021年3月项目地点 | 山东-德州
很漂亮,有须要背景墙素材的可以加我V信18664270425 很样板间
谢谢分享~ 有户型吗? {:1_143:}{:1_143:}{:1_143:}{:1_143:} 6666666666666666666 414474 发表于 2021-6-19 07:00
不锈钢 电视墙和背景墙上那个U型线条是铜还是不锈钢折的? 太漂亮了。 收藏了 以后没灵感了就来逛逛 不错跟我现在客户设计的要求差不多,可以找找灵感