MilloDesign 发表于 2021-7-27 15:21:27

米洛映象 | 中港瓏熙府样板间:含隐蓄秀,打造新中式舒适住宅

米洛映象 | 中港瓏熙府样板间:含隐蓄秀,打造新中式舒适住宅 三千年读史为求思,一炷香定静但求闲 二十四仪轨只求雅,十六声琴瑟专求乐 九万里悟道惟求逸 Three thousand years of reading for thinkinga wick incense quiet but for leisure The twenty-four rites seek only elegance,the sixteen harps and psalteries for music Ninety thousand miles toachieve the only escape 五千年的文化底蕴带给中国人的是诗意与动态的精致生活方式,而新中式是中国人生活形态的体现,从传统中汲取精髓,简化脱胎,成为既凝萃了东方文化的风骨,又能与各种文化、风格完美融合的新风尚。它是潜藏在血脉中的归属感,是冰冷都市里一方恬淡的净土,更是金戈铁马征战中最后的温柔乡。 入 户 大 堂 | ENTER A LOBBY

“登堂入室,为贵胄也。”入户大堂以自然之境塑东方之美,大理石背景墙深浅相映,古典大气的同时,在视觉上也更具层次感。恣意生长的迎客松,深色系窗帘以及会客桌椅,为整个空间增添了一份沉静典雅之风。 The entrance hall moulds the beauty of the Orient with the natural environment, and the marble background wall sets off each other in depth. While the classical atmosphere is present, it also has a more hierarchical sense of vision.

整体设计风格优雅大气,用简练优美的线条表达质朴悠远的诗意,展现在电视机后的一幅水墨丹青、具有独特设计感的玻璃吊灯以及翱翔出墙面的浮雕飞鸟,将中国传统元素的古典与现代生活方式的开朗融合。 Whole design style and elegant atmosphere, with beautiful concise plain lines express the poetry and long, with a unique design sense glass chandelier and birds fly out of the wall reliefs, Chinese traditional elements of classical and modern way of life a bright and cheerful disposition.
“银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。”秋凉如水,邀三两好友于堂厅品茗谈心,文雅精巧不乏舒适。 Cool autumn like water, invite a couple of friends in the hall tea talk, elegant exquisite no lack of comfort. 餐 厅 | DINING ROOM
优雅的中式壁画,搭配现代风格的灯饰,在延续传统中式风格的同时,更结合了现代人的审美。 Elegant Chinese fresco, with modern style of lighting, in the continuation of traditional Chinese style at the same time, but also combined with modern aesthetic.
圆形的黑金大理石餐桌为整个空间增添了一份稳重感,精致又不乏艺术感的装饰品,使整体感受更有格调。在这样的餐厅用餐,不仅是味蕾上的享受,更是一场视觉的盛宴。 Round black gold marble table for the whole space to add a sense of sedateness, delicate and no lack of artistic sense of decoration, so that the overall experience more style.Dining in such a restaurant is not only a feast for the taste buds, but also a feast for the eyes. 主 卧 | MASTER BEDROOM
主卧的整体风格延续了新中式设计风格的典雅大气,床头镂空设计巧妙,背景墙面飞舞的银杏与整体色调搭配,雅致不失高贵。 Advocate lie integral style continued the elegant atmosphere of style of new Chinese style design, the design of bedhead hollow out is clever, the ginkgo that setting metope flutts and whole are tonal collocation, refined do not break high. 飘窗摆放的绿植更增添了一份生命的活力,精致的摆件与壁画蕴藏着中国传统文化的设计与底蕴。 The green plants placed in bay Windows have added a vitality of life. The exquisite furnishings and murals contain the design and details of Chinese traditional culture. 女 孩 房 | GIRLS ROOM
女孩房则是以粉蓝白为基调,打造了一间梦幻的公主房。日光倾洒,琴声阵阵,雅致非常。 Girl room is with pink blue white is basic key, created a dream princess room. ​家具不做过多修饰,墙壁上艺术装置画适当留白,使房间整体风格不落俗套清新浪漫,粉色玩偶的点缀,更显整体风格的活泼可爱。 Furniture does not do too much decoration, make room whole style pure and fresh and romantic, the ornament of pink doll, more show the lively and lovely of integral style. 次 卧 | SECOND BEDROOM
次卧整体以浅色系为基调,利用高饱和度的深蓝色窗帘和抱枕加以点缀。圆形艺术装置品与床面颜色相印,简洁大方的同时又不失活力生机。 Second lie whole is fundamental key with light color department, use the dark blue curtain of high saturation and hold pillow to try to ornament. PROJECT INTRODUCTION项 目 信 息 项目名称|中港瓏熙府The project name | Longxi Mansion of Hong Kong and China项目类型|样板间Project type | sample room软装设计与实施|米洛映象Soft installation design and implementation of | Milo image艺术总监|张雅珍Artistic Director | Zhang Yazhen项目地点|湖南郴州Project location | Chenzhou, Hunan Province项目面积|145㎡The project area | 145㎡完工时间|2019.09Completion Time | 2019.09
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查看完整版本: 米洛映象 | 中港瓏熙府样板间:含隐蓄秀,打造新中式舒适住宅