高口碑之作 | 引擎联合设计 x 融创 : 成都融创青城溪村售楼处
本帖最后由 引擎联合设计 于 2021-12-2 17:22 编辑道教主张“清虚自持”“返朴归真”的教义,追求自然的思想,与山青绿水为邻,和花草鸟鱼为伴,尽享大自然的恩赐,静穆、深邃、幽远,在此来一段邂逅,一场清欢,一种韵致,一场禅修。In the past in China,there were many thoughts about respecting nature,enjoying nature in the world of mountains and water,which is a bit like being inspired by nature.
石遇上了光,就有了影子,在光影、水雾的变化中,感受时间,感受光阴。曲径通幽,在这里,邂逅这秀美而安逸的世外桃源,让时光暂时慢下来,开启一场短暂的心灵之旅。When the stone meets the light, there is a shadow. In the changes of light, shadow and water mist, feel the time and feel the time.Beautiful, quiet time to enjoy, slow down life, let the mood relax.
石之城,远远早于人类千万年的岁月,记录着人们的踪迹,演绎着动人的故事,一个渔杆造型的落地灯,唤醒了这片土地尘封的记忆,那是情感的记忆。Stone city, far earlier than human beings for thousands of years, records people's traces and deduces stories. A floor lamp in the shape of a fishing rod awakens the memory of this land, which is the memory of emotion.
石头上镌刻着记忆的影子,它们圆滑的四边,是岁月摩擦的痕迹,那些坑坑洼洼的斑点,是历史遗落的文字,踩在它身上传出的哒哒脚步声,也是藏在石头深处的一种曲调和韵律。There are memories on the stones. Their smooth four sides are the traces of years. Those spots are the words written in history. The sound of footsteps stepping on it is also a tune and rhythm hidden in the depths of the stones.
接近前厅,感受宁静的氛围,寻着水滴声,直达焦点。Approach the front hall, feel the tranquil atmosphere, and look for the sound of water droplets to reach the focal point.
石是有灵性的,它沉默无语,静若微澜,人的踪迹,曾经的故事,甚至连那些零落在风中的只言片语,都被它们坚实地镌刻在心底。通过灯光的照射,透出华美梦幻的光泽,大尺度半透明羽毛装置造型,带来强烈的视觉冲击,弥散通透又不乏灵动的美。The stones are very special. They are like human beings,with souls,have their own thoughts, language, and memory. They look at the world quietly, and there are actually stories that happen on the way people walk, and these stories are all in their hearts.stunning beauty.
光影之间,一轮明月,推开记忆的窗子,重新聆听,虽远去却依旧熟悉的倾诉、呓语,是关于生命的轻吟浅唱。以道家知白守黑之處世思想貫穿,道法自然,石为石,石非石,石乃石。它们平和地接纳一切风雷地火,在安静的岁月里,与山水风月淡然栖息,艺术,自然与家具融为一体。You will remember a lot when you look at the moon. Many people talk to it, and many people sing to it. Therefore, there are many classics in history. Different people at different times can speak in different ways. Here we use the fusion of art, nature and furniture to make the beauty very well presented.
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