集见设计·天津 发表于 2023-6-8 11:47:08

集见设计 | 待客之道,无·边界

本帖最后由 集见设计·天津 于 2023-6-8 11:48 编辑


This private club located in Tianjin ,China. The comfortable dining environment interacts people and space through multiple experiences, giving people a pleasant feeling.

无 · 境

The door to the ceiling is 3 meters high. The feeling inside and outside is completely different. The entrance wall is made of wood and micro-cement so this large area of black tone has obvious contrast with the light,According to the change of people's behavior, reflecting the depth of space.


Black means mystery, and also symbolizes the land.Feeling the first beauty in nature. There are two kinds of light sources behind the shelf. The side light will guide guest's steps. The more you go inside, the brighter the light will be. Boundary between the two spaces get blurred, and people will be immersed in emotion.

无 · 限

The three-dimensional curved wooden grid on the wall stretches and separates the space in an orderly arrangement. The circle is refracted through the mirrors on both sides. The smooth arc extends the visual effect to the maximum extent. The space seems no boundary, move in endless circle.

Arc-shaped windows embrace the sofa.Urban landscape outside is panoramic. Grey color in the room is quite gives a sense of peace.
无 · 序
The concept of "No boundary" has been re-evoluted by designers to create more diverse spatial answers Exploreing the relative relationship between people, space and emotion.

The earth-colored furniture make the room bright and rich.The metal rust is flashing every details in the room is perpect.

就餐环境与菜品之间的关系相辅相成。入门处ipad提供餐品的样式细节,与背景音乐一起将四季时令之鲜通过视觉、听觉呈现出来,灯光会配合菜品、明与暗,光与影,影响着客人对菜肴的感知,闲谈间,静享未被惊扰的时光 。
In the middle between the tea room and the diningroom is a large hanging metal screen, with a vague boundary and continuous separation. With customized graphic. The ipad at the entrance provides the menu with the music make people enjoy the undisturbed time.

The spatial structure of the club has been rebuilt, so the function is most important part. People enjoy the moment when they gathering in this harmonious and quiet atmosphere.

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