至大无外设计 / 奇妙夏日
本帖最后由 15342353534 于 2023-7-26 09:57 编辑项目地址:湖北武汉/月亮湾壹号
"对美好筑家,我们一直心怀执念" ———对读者的话
奶油色的家,躺坐在云朵沙发上,仿佛在做一场白日梦,慵懒宁静,窗外的阳光倾泻在地毯上,让整个房子充满了生命力。彩色的餐厅椅,传达出年轻的态度跟活力,整排的收纳柜,整洁干净,一尘不染。开合的纱帘,既保证了独立隐私,又通透了空间,活泼中带着肃穆,传达了屋主的态度。The creamy home, lying on the cloud sofa, seems to be daydreaming, lazy and peaceful. The sunlight pouring out of the window on the carpet fills the entire house with vitality.The colorful restaurant chairs convey a youthful attitude and vitality, and the rows of storage cabinets are neat, clean, and spotless. The open and closed gauze curtain not only ensures independent privacy but also allows for transparency in the space,Lively and solemn, conveying the owner's attitude.
超大的落地镜,满足了女主人梳妆打扮的需求,一排高柜与台面,梳妆与办公自由切换,打通的阳台,更加亲近了自然,舒适惬意。The oversized floor mirror meets the needs of the hostess for dressing up, with a row of high cabinets and countertops, allowing for free switching between dressing and office. The connected balcony brings you closer to nature and is comfortable and comfortable.
The simple accessories and wall panel decoration of the master bedroom add a unique charm to the living environment. The light source design without main lights meets the needs of a better sleep environment. The multifunctional room for the second bedroom, with a dual purpose cabinet for storage, can not only meet the needs of the hostess for yoga practice, but also meet the needs of occasional family and friends for temporary rest, killing two birds with one stone.