
本帖最后由 历新设计 于 2019-5-21 15:53 编辑
9 P9 \& v9 [1 l5 b
% e9 A, w5 ?4 ^

. A6 ~4 D; r( u: Z  |- C9 C
: p; q, G, [3 _: A' ~  |Project Name:Design of Bibimbap store in the mall
8 N! i; m4 S2 x4 f. M9 b; @5 r' n
. ]+ {3 u+ N+ J+ p
# V& {& |. c: K# {, e& e- f9 T9 FChief designer:Peng Jian8 K+ |( w( l# K& u6 [9 W
( ~/ V( ~- i3 d6 k9 @, \. v
参与设计师:周城林 陈冠
8 U& f& [, H: u2 H, z
$ c6 z  t/ C& R8 N2 n2 R. vParticipating designer:Zhou Chenglin Chen Guan
8 g5 l& M' l2 Y' `
" i! z1 `, |/ C1 c1 \设计说明:: L) B  P  g% Z" X( ~# V3 a9 r; B# X
由于是来自韩国的美食,我们便希望用稍微复古的材料来体现历史的文化感觉,但又不是完全的怀旧,而是建立在当代时尚潮流的趋势下,复古与时尚相结合,所以我们的整个设计看上去还是有时代感的,包括一些情景装饰物品,都很好的点缀并且渲染了整个空间的氛围。" q. a6 `, M2 t  g
  Y7 ]8 J5 X( ^$ c6 o; }! M" l! Z" J8 `7 N: b
Design notes:( }; O3 K' t- a% d
Because it is the food from South Korea, we hope to use a slightly retro material to reflect the cultural feeling of history, but it is not completely nostalgic, but based on the trend of contemporary fashion, retro and fashion. So our entire design still looks contemporary, including some decorative items that are well embellished and render the atmosphere of the space. & v" [' F4 N; y5 L
Located in the food area of the mall, the store space is not very large, we carefully communicate with the customers on the layout and repeatedly conceived, the use of space is even the ultimate use, so we came to the final perfect layout Conception.

5 Z' ]' V  d2 x
8 N7 }& ~  I6 ?% q

2 r  l1 H/ x7 C; q5 h/ d$ R
0 O, h3 A4 G5 E7 I


Merchant's logo

3 r. B$ p* R( x, \8 U

1 ?6 u, O$ ?6 ]

% x! j) C. N* r4 t! _
' ]" e( V7 o$ D  y

+ k7 T9 w$ I8 |3 v5 u# T

Plan of layout and it is very comprehensive and meticulous.

* w# ?9 N% }3 M" n! H! {

/ r' }% Y9 b3 I) S
+ C7 G' t6 m8 ^) \3 \4 Z2 y

/ c5 w* V) b% O3 A

Pictures of the site construction

$ `# r. E. j- w0 j6 D
! Y( X$ e( t* M

! t) S+ D) n* \6 W/ P( g; J% wRendering of store

4 s; H. B5 r% ~. N3 z/ L1 W& P5 V+ n

/ b# [( r8 Z9 z. k0 {. [. u* p
4 f9 N$ m$ x7 |
+ \3 Y( K4 R# y: ]4 P
' A" [0 `6 S, J+ ]7 v% _
( A, j1 m9 ?1 i2 A) M

  y% C  Q; y1 M
2 e  A2 t0 o' {: R9 n0 p$ NThe main shop is bibimbap, and there are also hand-held sushi + Korean fried rice cake + spicy hot + drink, we have a good combination of these functional patterns, so it is divided into three small tribes. The shop is mainly made of wood, and the rear is a pair of figures, reflecting the customs of Korea, and the ceramic jars placed are also in line with the theme of the store.

, S" U, T  l( o' [8 ?
( X  n5 `: `; Q8 {3 I

, x2 a' n7 U' d$ t
7 S# e+ l, K. A# \% _

这一角度可以很清晰地展示这个店铺的构造,每一个空间都是丝毫不浪费,所有工作区域和物品放置架都是互不冲突,即使空间稍微狭窄,但也是干净整洁。 # }; R# U) B* {! C; Y, h

4 a0 F  Q. s  k7 h0 h7 y) O9 gThis angle can clearly show the structure of the store. Every space is not wasted. All work areas and item placement frames are not in conflict. Even if the space is slightly narrow, it is clean and tidy.

: o2 q; U! S. K

3 K9 c% ]5 K+ m1 i& F9 ]2 b2 N/ x
9 C9 [- H. P5 w4 M8 t" n3 T

- F4 ?; r" {! K" L1 {% m! j  a* Q1 w: R; K

" O, e4 U# _9 u$ mVarious angles

: T4 B% m& p; B8 ~7 T. b
8 _# Y. y) m3 K, v' A0 d
$ Z6 [* |0 T) Q, ]7 {/ p- S

: b+ h. N" B& _% j/ I0 W" a6 BThis top-down rendering shows the design of the store in great detail.

" ?" P( D2 Y, H6 W0 i

6 s3 W: I) [' B5 O* f! {
3 C3 u% O, l! W# h* b* @* f: C; k$ B; f' O$ }* \" M


- o0 \( L7 h* |, x' I& KIf you like us, please pay attention to know more about us~
* r: }- w: o  \

, ?* ^% G8 u4 v4 ]
7 x( U' [! l" Q% x



' \7 K+ G1 R! q# n+ Z" N
* H  B$ F4 [1 l& @/ T: }* Z6 j


. F- K; ~9 A1 C1 a: [3 U4 h( p

  b5 a, i7 w- @. m. |& A8 G# I( V


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