

项目名称:MR L Miss C 内衣店设计7 @( D8 _5 g, P1 N* g( I8 C
Project name:Design of the MR L Miss L underwear shop & ~7 B- [+ ~, X4 R8 L( H& k+ C

- R5 v1 G. P9 ]主设计师:彭建( ?& O7 I+ m% d. |9 Q# h
Chief designer:Peng Jian6 ?( o  v$ G& @& G: B# A! q

) e0 L0 t' c8 G2 [8 j5 n参与设计师:周城林 , 陈冠$ s1 H/ _' f& b& [) t
Participating designer:Zhou Chenglin ,Chen Guan/ |" m9 [5 }: m6 L
" x: u1 K3 q7 I7 t! x8 `( X
- A7 g; x/ O; D: Q1 z& d1 d内衣是一种与潮流与时尚结合很紧的物件,因此许多内衣专卖店都层出不穷,随着生活质量以及水平的越来越高,许多女性对内衣的追求也在不断提高。而想要在这么多内衣店中脱颖而出,首先就要有自己内衣店的装修风格,无论是店面橱窗,还是店里的试衣间陈列柜,小至灯具灯光,都是吸引消费者的一种存在。4 x2 L8 ?8 j9 k2 a1 T: R
我们结合MR L Miss C自身的品牌,给到内衣店的定位是高级和优雅,迎合当代女性的追求趋向,在现代快节奏的生活里,越来越多的女性从里而外都是优雅和知性,我们给店里的装修设计风格就是围绕着高级和优雅。能表现优雅高贵的颜色,非紫色莫属,从古至今,紫色都是神秘的,不凡的,也是优雅的体现。
  f2 t, v6 x' _7 @/ Z( h+ K9 I7 v1 f
Design Notes:8 G' x4 N2 N& X0 ?( Y" D
Underwear is a kind of thing that is tightly combined with the trend and fashion. Therefore, many underwear stores are emerging one after another. With the improvement of the quality of life and the level, many women's pursuit of underwear is also constantly improving. And if you want to stand out in so many underwear stores, you must first have the decoration style of your own underwear store. Whether it is the store window, the fitting room of the store, or the lighting of the lamps, it is a kind of presence that attracting consumers.
' R4 B% Q, N8 }  O2 W: WCombining MR L Miss C's own brand, we give the underwear store a high level and elegance, which caters to the trend of contemporary women. In modern fast-paced life, more and more women are elegant and intellectual from the inside to outside. So we decorate the store with a style that is centered around high grade and elegance. What color can express them, the answer is purple. From ancient times to now, the purple is mysterious, extraordinary, and elegant.

0 g! A6 C# Q# y) ]# Y+ m
& n0 s7 d& C$ ~4 H
  t5 b; F  |$ `; Z% v. a5 C0 F

% {  J0 a1 X+ G& K2 X1 \% E
Different from other storefront designs, we use an open way to replace the glass window, separated by a white wall in the middle, and use the mannequin to display new or hot products in the store. In addition, we can clearly see the structure inside the store, the consumer's angle is the same, you can see the clothes inside.
  d" V- t& z* P8 F  @

! A4 E! L/ Z5 {; a/ ]
' h' e% V6 b" v7 j. s
. }; Q' P" E0 P! `" y- a


) e4 ~7 e: P& T) |0 }( H
This is the image of the store before we remodeled. It can be seen that there is no bright spot on the scene, and the decoration style is more common.

2 j& @, a( h  A) R( e

% w% i6 P; ^. W7 N

①试衣间 Fitting room

: i4 F, p- Q" a
②中导展示区 Central display area
" _) \  I/ s/ T1 `5 H' j; _
③防火卷闸门 Fireproof Rolling Gate ④收银台 Checkout counter

2 I. ]; @( h1 Q/ a, G; Q5 d
⑤形象墙 Image Wall

" A) U+ q& R9 J& {$ q
⑥精品柜 Boutique cabinet

! \, m( x3 M% u+ c9 ^
' H* y+ c8 x9 f5 f; _# ?
According to the space structure of the site, we have made a floor plan, close to the wall is the four seasons cabinet and the underwear wardrobe.
! p* L! w; o. ]( S& o

4 j! k8 j& M9 K

3 x- {& o1 j; A! d* x9 \6 I

2 X6 X8 l2 M& X0 [9 U
This is the design of the checkout counter in the store. We use purple as the background wall. One corner is used to display the set of clothes. It can be used to place new products or hot-selling products. Next to the wall is set to fold, making the overall less monotonous. The checkout counter is pinkish purple, and the effect of color is not to cause aesthetic fatigue. Light pink and lavender are also a good match.

. e5 c) u" D7 o& `: i) F; l  U

( e# B7 l6 _  p4 l0 l- H
  _* S, M, h" P9 g

5 G1 `( v$ f+ R- ?
For the store we also adopted the Nordic minimalist style. This is the design of the underwear wardrobe, the background wall is white, the underwear is neatly hanging in the cabinet, and we use the white drawer cabinet underneath. In addition to the brand's illuminating panels, the interior of the wardrobe is also decorated with some green plants. The shelves on the opposite side are in the form of tables, and the tops are shoes and other coats. We can see that the Lamp is a higher-grade white chandelier, which is very commensurate with elegance.

& G7 w2 _  P2 F9 `9 o, [% L

. B2 K9 O3 M$ ?5 x5 y7 U/ x

; y9 H4 e6 X7 e1 M& F

- T2 A1 [* Q( }
The white walls and the purple walls blend together, so that the whole will not be rigid, and the large display cabinets are relatively simple, but they can reflect the details of the clothes. Bright lights are used throughout the environment to make people feel comfortable and have a desire to buy.

9 L, j3 m% W2 |  l

2 ?  @. T$ T" B! ^+ Y: {


& C9 r  U- I5 C8 f
If you like us, please pay attention to know more about us~
0 |3 g" [2 n) @  t8 g6 t1 T

6 r3 @% H) q  t0 v% C

% R7 `; H! G: ]' p
: f) q/ \6 @# p: P+ a
7 S/ r$ D1 k" n0 _3 @  V

5 \( ^( `2 ^0 |6 i


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