![]() 爱是一种本能,美是一种生活态度。 Love is an instinct, and beauty is a life attitude. 写在前面: 本案是精装房改造,不同的是我们在格局上没有做任何改变,而是在硬装上做了细小的调整,通过金属线条增加了墙面的立体感,窗帘、布艺、挂画等软装细小物品则起到了锦上添花的作用。在设计之初,屋主就已经购买了沙发,给整体风格的搭配带来了很多的局限性,我们一直在思考如何通过设计,使整个空间达到和谐而又高级的美感。最后成品的效果很惊艳,每一处细节都能经得起推敲,每一隅都能彰显出屋主的生活品质与格调。 Write at the front: This case is the hardcover room transformation, the difference is that we do not make any changes in the pattern, but in the hard to make small adjustments, through the metal lines to increase the three-dimensional sense of the wall, curtains, cloth, hanging paintings and other soft small items play the role of icing on the cake. At the beginning of the design, the owner of the house has already purchased the sofa, which brings a lot of limitations to the collocation of the overall style, and we have been thinking about how to make the whole space achieve a harmonious and high-grade aesthetic feeling through the design. The effect of the final product is amazing, every detail can stand up to scrutiny, each corner can show the quality of life and style of the owner. 项目地点:成都万科五龙山*翡翠郡洋房 建筑面积:132m2 设计师:卢小刚 装修风格:现代轻奢 摄影:筑像摄影 平面方案布置图。 ![]() 原始结构框架图。 ![]() 屋主说: 我们很想要一个这样的家,在某些时候,它看起来很简单低调,能给人明亮舒适的感觉;但有时却又足够饱满,仿佛弥漫着优雅迷人的高贵气质。在某一个时刻,某一个角落,一件普通的生活琐事也能散发出光芒。于我而言,精致美好的生活,不是偶尔的仪式感,而是人生的常态。 The owner said: We really want a home like this, and at some point, it looks simple and low-key and can give people a bright and comfortable feeling; but sometimes it is full enough, as if filled with elegant and charming noble temperament. At a certain moment, a certain corner, a common life trivia can also shine. To me, exquisite and beautiful life, not the occasional sense of ceremony, but the normal life. 设计师说: 我们常说,一个人的气质里,藏着他走过的路,读过的书。而一个人的家里,则诠释着他的生活态度与格调。家,不仅仅是一个存放日常琐事的容器,也不只是一个感情的安放之所,这里,亦是生活和人生的另一面。轻而不奢,是一种恰到好处的幸福感,是对生活的尊重,是对家人的宠爱,仿佛同时采撷了阳光与时光,以后就都是亮的了。 人生不乏轰轰烈烈的青春年华,也不止平平淡淡的温暖时光,而生活最好的样子,永远都是刚刚好。 The designer said: We often say that a person's temperament, hidden in the way he walked, read the book. And a person's home, the interpretation of his attitude and style of life. Home is not just a container for daily chores, nor is it just a place for feelings. Here, too, is life and the other side of life. Light but not extravagant, is a kind of just right happiness, is to the life respect, is to the family pet, as if at the same time gathers the sunlight and the time, after all is bright. Life is no lack of vigorous youth, but also more than plain light warm time, and the best look of life, is always just right. 玄关 Vestibule ![]() 简单的深棕色玄关柜沉稳内敛,抽象的画作与金属质感摆件彰显出了艺术感的精致,而优雅的插花则添了几分生活气息。 The simple dark brown cabinet is steady and introverted, the abstract painting and the metal texture display the artistic delicacy, while the elegant flower arrangement adds some life flavor. 客厅 Living Room ![]() ![]() 最舒适慵懒的光是阳光,而最高级优雅的光也非阳光莫属。在简单纯粹的素色背景下,温暖的阳光、宁静的时光都在此停留。浑然天成的格调与气质直达内心,带来超凡的视觉享受。 The most comfortable and lazy light is the sun, and the most elegant light is the sun. In the simple pure plain background, warm sunshine, quiet time all stay here. Natural style and temperament to the heart, bring extraordinary visual enjoyment. ![]() ![]() 带有视觉张力的金属元素是轻奢风的代表性元素,无论是色调还是线条感,其本身自有的高级感使整个空间更加通透,不必有繁复的装饰,也无需大面积的铺陈,点到为止,就可令空间足够别致。 The metal element with visual tension is the representative element of light extravagant wind, whether it is hue or line sense, its own high sense of its own makes the whole space more transparent, no need for complicated decoration, no need for large area of paving, point to point, can make the space enough chic. 餐厅 Dining Room 轻巧精致的大理石餐桌极富质感,而看似杂乱无章的纹理亦有着独特的节奏与韵味。若说大理石呈现了温润如玉的气质,水晶吊灯凸现了高雅奢华的风姿,那橙橘色真皮餐椅则为温暖的用餐时光增添了几分亲密感。 The lightweight and exquisite marble table is extremely rich in texture, and the seemingly cluttered texture also has a unique rhythm and charm. If marble presents a warm as jade temperament, crystal chandelier highlights the elegant luxury, that orange leather dining chair for the warm meal time added a bit of intimacy. 厨房 Kitchen 厨房整体上沿用了之前的风格,暖金色的光线与色调更显轻快柔和,在冬日的时光里,温暖如初。 The kitchen as a whole followed the previous style, warm golden light and tone more light and soft, in the winter time, warm as before. 主卧 Bedroom 若说哪种色调能同时兼顾神秘与优雅,非孔雀蓝莫属了,当它遇见自带高级感的金属色时,仿若一束耀眼的光撒入平静的湖面,在心中荡起了层层涟漪,撩人心弦。 If the tone can be said to be both mysterious and elegant, it is a peacock blue, when it meets its own high sense of the metal color, like a dazzling light into the calm lake, in the heart of the ripples, titillating. 除了色调的搭配与元素的运用让人惊艳之外,这里还有一个意想不到的隐藏技能:被衣柜巧妙隐藏的卫生间。不仅实现了衣柜的有效利用,还解决了卫生间位置造成的尴尬问题。 In addition to the tonal mix and the use of elements are stunning, here's an unexpected hidden skill: the bathroom that is cleverly hidden by the wardrobe. not only realized the effective use of the wardrobe, but also solved the awkward problem caused by the location of the bathroom. 儿子房 Son's Room 对孩子来说,家就是他的全部,而一个气氛温馨、创意十足的空间,可以提高孩子的想象力与创造力。黑色复古的铁架床、充满自然与生机的跳色背景墙以及满是趣味性的暖色系吊灯与窗帘,都为这一方小小的天地留下了几分诗意。 For a child, home is all he has, and a warm, creative space can improve his imagination and creativity. The black retro iron bed, the jump-colored background wall full of nature and vitality, and the interesting warm-colored chandeliers and curtains all leave some poetry for this side of the little world. 女儿房 Daughter's Room 女儿房的设计很贴心地满足了屋主的需求,鉴于屋主的女儿年龄比较小,为了满足屋主的需求,设计师选择了爱心满满的粉色儿童帐篷,不仅有利于孩子的攀爬玩耍,大片的活动区域也能更好地方便父母与孩子的亲子互动,也为未来留下了更多的可变空间。可爱的卡通壁画和软萌的玩具让空间变得更加温馨有爱。 The design of the daughter's room is very intimate to meet the needs of the owner. In view of the younger age of the owner's daughter, in order to meet the needs of the owner, the designer has chosen a loving pink children's tent, which is not only conducive to children's climbing and play, but also a large area of activity can better facilitate the parent-child interaction. Cute cartoon murals and soft toys make the space more warm and loving. 多功能房 Multi-function Room 浅粉色一直给人温柔细腻的感觉,与白色的搭配更是恰到好处,全屋透漏着一丝简单清新、干净大方的气质。 Light pink has always given people a gentle and delicate feeling, and the white match is more appropriate, the whole room revealed a simple fresh, clean and generous temperament. 阳台一角 Balcony Corner 房屋信息 About Room 设计|Design:卢小刚装饰设计 地址|Address:成都万科五龙山*翡翠郡洋房 面积|Area:132m2 摄影|Film:筑像摄影 服务模式|Mode:纯设计+软装配饰 识别二维码 ▏关注微信公众号 ▏预约设计师 |
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