项目地址:CHINA·SHANGHAI·畅园 项目用途:私人住宅 项目面积:225m2 方案设计:言叙设计机构 项目施工:言叙配套施工 项目摄影:本 《宁静》 21世纪10年代的最后一个月 我们反思曾经在城市生活中的得失 失去的是稚嫩 得到的是宁静 The last month of the 21st century We reflect on the gains and losses in urban life Lost is immature What you get is tranquility ——————————————————————————————— 户型图 Floor plan 客厅 living room 鱼骨拼和格栅在整个空间中起到点睛的作用,身处客厅也能感受到一种Wabi Sabi的美感。 Fish bone and grille play the finishing touch in the whole space, and you can feel the beauty of Wabi Sabi in the living room. 客厅与餐厅之间产生联系,强调空间感,合二为一的同时又相辅相成。 The connection between the living room and the dining room emphasizes the sense of space. The two merge into one while complementing each other. 餐厅 dining room 极富马蒂斯美学的餐厅。野兽色彩下的宁静烘托了整个用餐氛围,脱离世俗才是真正的后都会哲学。 A restaurant full of Matisse aesthetics. The serenity under the color of the beast undermines the whole dining atmosphere, and the separation from the world is the true post-metropolitan philosophy. 开放西厨+中岛+餐厅的联动。厨房是家人交流的良好空间,摆脱佣人的心情才能做出更多美食。 Linkage of Western Kitchen + Nakajima + Restaurant will be opened. The kitchen is a good space for family communication, and you can make more food without the maid's mood. 卧室 bedroom 主卧和开放式四分离主卫。大浴缸让整个卧室变得饱满、富有情调;玻璃移门保留了一丝层次感和神秘感。 Master bedroom and open quad split guard. The large bathtub makes the bedroom full and full of emotions; the glass sliding door retains a sense of layering and mystery. 为了迎合业主严谨的收纳主义,所有房间中都配备了不少大大小小各式各样的柜子,次卧和次卫亦是如此。 In order to meet the owner's strict storage doctrine, all rooms are equipped with a variety of cabinets, large and small, as well as the second bedroom and second bathroom. |
qq249839032 2020-5-30 15:41:16
463176980 发表于 2020-5-27 17:58
omz2333 2020-5-26 09:45:07
lmf501246721 发表于 2020-5-25 23:21
浴缸放卧室床旁,用起来是什么感觉呢? 有没有大佬分享下体会
15953218886 2020-5-26 09:11:04
JANE_YI 发表于 2020-5-26 08:42
平面完美 效果图..