家 是倦鸟的巢 是小船随时都能停靠的港 Home Is a weary bird's nest A port where boats can dock at any time ![]() 本案是一套婚房,居住者是一对年轻的小夫妻,他们希望家是优雅、时尚的,有超强储物空间及独立衣帽间。 153㎡的三室两厅+三卫,房型中规中矩,但对业主来说并不合理。于是,设计师重新梳理空间,在取舍中寻求新的设计思路。围绕着现代生活方式,为居者提供全面、高品质的时尚家居。 作品信息 项目户型:153㎡三室两厅 设计风格:现代 项目地址:合肥-金隅南七里 设计团队:深零设计组 施工单位:合肥深零设计 ![]() ▲before ![]() ▲after 设计说明 ①考虑到居者对收纳的超高要求,在保留原本三室+三卫的基础上,又于玄关、客厅、厨房、卧室等空间增加了收纳,还给业主一个独立的衣帽间。 ②打破常规的玄关布局,用石材与玻璃重新打造,形成精致的视觉感官。 ③扩充主卧与主卫的面积,并结合居住需求在主卧设计了一整排收纳柜,空间便利程度大大增加。 ④扩充客餐厅面积,并将餐厅设计成餐桌+岛台的形式,与客厅形成流畅的居住动线。 褪去浮华,简单做自己 生活在快节奏的喧嚣城市,每个人身上都仿佛裹着一层厚厚的盔甲。在外时,我们自带保护色;但在家里,我们就是最纯粹、最放松的,放下心中的焦虑与压迫,做简简单单的自己。 Living in a fast-paced hustle and bustle city, everyone seems to be wrapped in a thick layer of armor. When we are outside, we bring our own protective colors; but at home, we are the purest and most relaxed, let go of the anxiety and oppression in our hearts, and make ourselves simple. ![]() 入户玄关处,设计师用天然石材与长虹玻璃来提升空间颜值,亦虚亦实,朴实中又带点神秘。 At the entrance hall, the designer uses natural stone and Changhong glass to enhance the value of the space, which is both virtual and real, and simple and mysterious. ![]() 设计最“适合”的生活方式 每个人对于家,都有自己独特的见解与态度,顺应潮流固然重要,但“适合”才是我们最终目的。一个好的设计,需要给人精神上的归属感、内心的安全感,以及居住的放松感。 Everyone has their own unique insights and attitudes towards home. It is important to follow the trend, but "fit" is our ultimate goal. A good design needs to give people a sense of spiritual belonging, inner security, and a sense of relaxation. ![]() 耐看、优雅的中性色为主色调,辅以灰、白、棕的硬装叠底,小小一方空间,足以窥见家的气质。半悬空式电视墙、墙面的特殊造型,又于侧面丰富了空间的层次与深度。 The attractive and elegant neutral colors are the main tones, supplemented by the hard bottoms of gray, white and brown, and the small space is enough to see the temperament of the home. The special shape of the semi-suspended TV wall and wall surface enriches the level and depth of the space on the side. ![]() ![]() 我们享受一点一滴填满家的过程,也期待从两个人变成一家人的幸福,更向往漫长岁月中的相濡以沫。余生很长,未来还请多多指教。 We enjoy the process of filling our home bit by bit, and we also look forward to the happiness of changing from two people to a family, and yearn for the long-term friendship. The rest of his life is very long. ![]() 生活,总要回归平淡 有一种幸福,叫我愿意为你洗手做羹汤,而你为我打拼憧憬远方。曾经的一些轰轰烈烈,在不断流逝的岁月中,终将会归于平淡,幸福不过是生活中的细水长流。 There is a kind of happiness that makes me willing to wash your hands and make soup, and you work hard for me and look forward to the distance. Some of the once vigorous and vigorous, in the elapsed years, will eventually be bland, happiness is just a long stream of life. ![]() 餐厅选择了开放式布局,精致的岛台+餐边柜设计,大大增加了空间的实用性。柔和的灯光下,有最普通的饭菜香,也有彼此眼神相遇时的会心一笑。爱,是责任,更是一种陪伴。 The restaurant chose an open layout, exquisite island + sideboard design, which greatly increased the practicality of the space. Under the soft light, there is the most common fragrance of meals, and there are smiles when the eyes meet each other. Love is responsibility and companionship. ![]() ![]() 安心享受悠闲的共处时间 主卧同样选择了中性色为基调,用恰到好处的灯光,来烘托舒适、温馨的居住氛围。送走日暮,伴着朝阳,去迎接崭新的一天。 The master bedroom also chooses neutral colors as the keynote, with just the right lights to set off a comfortable and warm living atmosphere. Send off the sunset, accompanied by the morning sun, to greet a new day. ![]() ![]() 设计,是一种极具创新的表达手法。虽然过程中可能会有五套、十套,甚至更多的设计方案;一纸一稿中,都在不断精进与改善。最终,从多个极优方案中,我们找到了最适合居者生活方式的那套。 Design is a very innovative expression. Although there may be five sets, ten sets, or even more design solutions in the process; one paper and one draft are constantly improving and improving. In the end, from a number of excellent solutions, we found the one that best suits the lifestyle of the occupants. 在美观与实用中取得平衡,从多套作品中总结经验,又于一次次实践中打磨细节。深零从未停下求知、探新的脚步,也从未放弃设计与心灵的交互;不断开拓设计思路,用更优质、细心的设计,为居者带去更真实的居住体验。 Achieve a balance between beauty and practicality, sum up experience from multiple sets of works, and polish details in practice again and again, Deep Zero never stops learning, exploring new steps, and never gives up the interaction between design and mind; Design ideas, with more high-quality and careful design, bring a more real living experience for residents. 人生很长,在通往美好生活的道路上,深零期待与您同行! Life is very long, and on the road to a better life, ShenLing looks forward to walking with you!
本帖最后由 hfshenling 于 2020-6-29 14:42 编辑