
2020-10-12/ 图像资料下载/ 待处理/ 只看大图 阅读模式
本帖最后由 得观设计事务所 于 2020-10-12 17:58 编辑 - K  ~2 ~( _5 t8 u7 ^5 P
: h! Z' e5 T/ H) J, R

) g3 ^9 Z$ D& [" Y5 q- Q

7 W: e/ f. k2 V2 J

1 Q3 h3 Q+ j. r' ^
This project is located at the intersection of Taipingjiao 5th Road and Zhanshan 3rd Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City. It is a 21-year-old building that has been through the vicissitudes of the Republic of China. During its more than 80 years of life, the function, appearance, The structure and other aspects, following the changes of the city, have been turned over and over several times.
4 f" n# j9 v" h5 V1 o1 L

. V( T; H+ R- j4 A; w

' N. \6 s: G5 U5 [+ Z( P6 f  a

: o) C$ Q# @+ m8 m: @
- G8 j3 `. B7 J9 q6 H6 X# @0 }

: A9 O: l+ @$ j9 j' C4 ?- @
* f  u( T# o# {  J' b
When I received this project, my heart was full of excitement and awe. Fortunately, I met a thoughtful and affective Party A. Let's sort out the design and function ideas together. On the basis of preserving the original architectural form ratio as much as possible, we will maximize the design subtraction and leave the space blank. . Eventually, the function change of Coffee Light Meal & Seaview B&B was fulfilled, and this old building was reborn.

" D" U: G5 N: X0 V* W3 z1 o

- ]& X; t4 R, \% ^0 M9 J  z

4 Z7 }8 u- }4 V# e; ^
In the use and matching of colors and materials, the yellow preservative wood of the original building is retained, and the haze blue latex paint painted on the half wall is naturally restrained and delicate and retro.

; I& s! U' \. P# {; W; @# D

7 v- n+ n, E4 Q* t' {8 i  {4 Q
5 o* p! Z5 b+ o  J( }) v3 r! q7 P, K3 w
- E7 y  m: q1 E% f) L/ b. |# c' @9 A
In the matching of artworks, I chose the painting of the Danish painter Hamesoy. The tranquility conveyed in the painting coincides with the tranquility and simplicity and purity we pursue today. The painter is known for his poetic, soft portraits and quiet figure paintings in indoor light. Most of his paintings describe the family space and family, but the light and shadow left in it, and the back of the woman, fainted a slight sense of tension and mysterious atmosphere.
% Y$ Q& c3 Y8 H# ?/ L
设计单位(Design Units):得观建筑设计(上海)有限公司
主案设计(Master Designer):秦超 石晶
效果表现(Effect Performance):PIGSPACE
0 m5 k8 r) R7 E( ], a" l
( M  a0 h- y1 l
0 Z! [' u. \# w, |" @6 e# [& D

5 R+ G2 E7 `  X& @/ K# C

  m, i( S  V! T: V9 I  L5 \" {, V
150 0648 6618
157 2626 7207
185 6182 8660
136 8763 8862
151 6527 7770

# e+ [/ O9 j8 b( G- Y8 w; ~2 c) ?8 K

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3 X6 C2 E* H# w8 t! V$ q
7 x4 I7 N; u* n; G* Y/ _8 r) N0 h/ H1 G$ f. O% w: c+ |8 h( e

, n4 [  z' M/ s1 U; h( ]" x6 B& V# ^+ W" j

2 u  y; g. O& \4 J; c: x/ ]( @


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