表现机构:意品 · 全案深化设计 设计机构:缔艺天悦设计 —— 化繁为简返璞归真 美式 | 田园 | 自然 | 居家 Turning complexity into simplicity and returning to nature American style | comfortable | natural | home —— 01 Δ 客厅 Living room 一个刚刚好的家,会让你有了归宿感 有了依靠,只要一回到家 一切烦心琐事尽能淡忘 A just good home will give you a sense of belonging Once you get back home Forget as much as you can 02 Δ 餐厅 Dining room 往往最高级的空间设计, 不是金银堆砌、不是富丽堂皇, 而是摒弃一切多余的修饰, 回归到其最简单纯粹的本质上来 Often the most advanced space design, It's not gold and silver, it's not magnificent, It's about getting rid of all unnecessary embellishments, Return to its simplest and purest essence ·END· |