圆融 easy-going YS Design service@2021 圆代表着自然,融意在和谐。 The circle represents nature and harmony. 本案是三世同堂之家,父母孩子共同生活,想要一个温暖和煦的空间。原来的精装房交付,风格保守,没有特色,缺少收纳。女主一家人经过商议后,决定改造。于是通过网络寻找到我们,从咨询到落地,交流都很顺畅。快要拍毕业照的时候,小姐姐和设计师坦言说:“我想要的其实就是这种感觉。”这是对我们最美好的肯定。 家的气质就是主人公的气质,从功能布局到软装搭配,我们在空间里把人文情感糅合和进去,构成具有主人公气质和精神追求的家。在新家毕业的时候,小姐姐也迎来了自己的宝宝,一个家,三代人,相亲相伴是幸福的。在此深深的祝福小姐姐一家生活圆满快乐。 家经过设计后,便有了灵魂。 Happy moment 从入户柜到阳台柜,形成环绕。上面是大量的收纳柜,下面用地台设计,上实下虚,整个空间才通透有层次感。 From the door cabinet to the balcony cabinet, form a ring. The top is a large number of storage cabinets, and the bottom is designed with a floor platform, which makes the whole space transparent and hierarchical. 遵从初心,以简为序。把阳光引入室内,整个空间都明媚起来,木色和植物都是大自然到室内的延伸。 Follow the original intention and take simplicity as the order. The sun into the living room, the whole space is bright, wood color and plants are the extension of nature to the interior. 木茶几上的年轮就像时间流淌的痕迹。世上只有一种爱是不求回报,没有年限的,就是父母对孩子的爱。无论时间如何流逝,爱依然在。 The tree rings on the wooden tea table are like traces of time flowing. There is only one kind of love in the world that does not ask for return, that is, parents' love for their children. No matter how time goes by, love is still there. 开与合,木与石,美感与质感的交融。 Open and close, wood and stone, aesthetic and texture interaction. 素雅的装饰画,枝丫繁衍,象征着向上生长源源不断的生命力。 The elegant decorative painting, the branch multiplication, symbolizes the vitality of continuous upward growth. 绿意新生,温暖如春。每一个物品都是根据主人公喜好和精神追求的一种表达和展现。 Green new, warm as spring. Every object is an expression and display according to the protagonist's preference and spiritual pursuit. 走廊,连接空间之间的桥梁,我们在其中加入了收纳,丰富其功能性。 Corridor, a bridge between connecting spaces, we add storage to enrich its functionality. 圆形餐桌,满足一家人一起用餐的需求,也象征着团圆。家最重要的功能就是把一家人聚在一起,忙碌了一天,这里可以是家人情感交流的地方。 The round dining table meets the needs of a family to eat together. The round dining table also gives the restaurant temperature. After a busy day, it can be a place for family emotional exchange, full of fireworks. 父母房,质感又温暖的搭配,还嵌入了衣帽间设计,居住舒适度和幸福感都有质的提升。 Parents room, texture and warm collocation, also embedded in the cloakroom design, living comfort and happiness have been improved. 床头背景墙暗藏灯带,丰富床头的层次,也给父母营造时尚高级感。 The lamp belt hidden in the background wall at the head of the bed enriches the level of the head of the bed and creates a fashionable and advanced sense for parents. 衣帽间动图 高级灰展现的魅力,素雅时尚,低饱和度,舒适放松。 The charm of senior grey is simple, elegant, fashionable, low saturation, comfortable and relaxed. 大气又舒适的次卧 Comfortable secondary bedroom 书房是获取精神食粮的地方,黑与白,一份硬朗一份温和。 The study is a place for a family to get spiritual food, black and white, a strong and a gentle. 原始结构▼ 平面方案▼ 作品名称 / 圆融 easy-going 设计施工 / 壹石设计工作室 One stone design studio 建筑面积 / 167㎡ 工程地址 / 南京 壹石设计 一间口碑相传的设计工作室 我们的核心价值理念 设计:创新、实用、唯美、细致、环保、极简 服务:诚实,责任、口碑 联系我们 / Contact us Tel:025/58577608 /15952011242(微信同号) Add.:河西万达广场G座1610 |