项目概况↓ 工程名称:香开长龙某住宅 作品名称:情绪色彩 唤醒生活感知 项目地点:福建*福州 设计单位:福建国广一叶建筑装饰设计工程有限公司 竣工时间:2020.12 设计师:潘自立 张珊 方案审定:叶斌 设计风格:轻奢 面积:200平方 主材:整木、岩板、金属 ![]() 面对瞬息万变的潮流,我们始终遵循用户的体验,将城市、人居与艺术进行完美的组合, 通过对空间自带的情感属性进行分析,提升内在生活方式的互动融合。 In the face of the rapidly changing trend, we always follow the user experience, make the perfect combination of the city, living and art, and analyze the emotional attributes of the space to improve the interaction and integration of the internal lifestyle. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 从入户开始,开敞式的玄关直接打开视觉感知,客厅与餐厅进行了无隔断的一体式共享, 让空间效果极尽通透。我们立足于艺术的视角,选取奢雅、高贵的石材、皮革,经设计师之手,进行了巧妙的组合,营造了丰富的层次肌理。 From entering the household, the porch of open type opens the visual perception directly, the living room and the dining room undertook the integral share without partition, let the space effect is extremely transparent. Based on the perspective of art, we choose luxurious and elegant, noble stone, leather, through the hands of designers, made a clever combination, to create a rich hierarchical texture. ![]() ![]() ![]() 引入自然光线,最大限度的将室内与室外环境互相映衬,打破一成不变的固有思维,形成了全新的现代法式风情。 The introduction of natural light, to maximize the indoor and outdoor environment to match each other, to break the unchanging inherent thinking, has formed a new modern French style. 宽大的主卧套房因为橙色的加入让空间变得不再沉闷,如热情的主人,将浓烈的情感注入空间, 唤起内在活力。也因此,我们摒弃掉多余的饰品,加强了空间原本的松弛感,任由情绪的递进消解掉内心的压力。 Wide master bedroom because of the addition of red let the space becomes no longer dull, such as the enthusiastic master, the strong emotion into the space, arouse the inner vitality.Therefore, we abandon the redundant ornaments, strengthen the original relaxation of the space, let the progressive mood to dissolve the inner pressure. 儒雅平和成为次卧的首要考虑因素,通过温柔的色彩及布艺,将风情慢慢释放出来, 从而在光线的加持下氤氲出感性的内在主题。 Elegant and peaceful becomes the primary consideration factor of guest sleeper, through gentle color and cloth art, the amorous feelings slowly release, thereby the inner theme of sensibility dense under the support of light. 岁月青葱,愿生活对我们温柔以待。孩童时期的情感注定是象牙塔上的珍珠,干净而纯粹。 我们愿守护个性的成长,将空间赋予轻柔的色彩层次,予他们最自由的天地。 Years are green, I wish life is gentle to us.Childhood emotions are destined to be pearls on the ivory tower, clean and pure.We are willing to protect the growth of personality, give the space to the soft color level, and give them the most free world. |
很喜欢这位设计师的作品 配色简单不花哨 但是又很抓住人心 看着很舒服