米洛映象| 九龙湾联排别墅:演绎艺术美感的现代翡翠华庭 让灵感自由释放 Let your inspiration run free 创造一个心灵渴望的空间 Create a space where your heart desires 序 | SEQUENCE 世界很复杂,但艺术不是要还原世界,而是透过事物本质来创作自己心灵的世界。所以能给人舒适感受的创作题材作品才是设计的本质。本案采用大胆的风格与鲜艳的色彩文明,设计出色且极富辨识度,热爱线条细腻勾勒,结合艺术美感与古城帝国意象,在古今文化中独树一格,体现设计的创造力与华丽指标。 01 翡色之空 Fei color the sky - ![]() ![]() 客厅空间采用翡翠与金属的相互碰撞,两种色彩装点出不同的惬意时光,为空间增添几分时光隽永之意。 The living room space adopts the collision of jade and metal, and the two colors decorate the different pleasant time, adding a few minutes of meaningful meaning for the space. ![]() ![]() ![]() 精致优雅的主饰灯蜿蜒如曲,绵延似锦,后现代简约艺术灯轻奢有度,仿若瞬间远离喧嚣,岁月静好。 The exquisite and elegant main decorative lights wind like songs and stretch like brocade. The simple post-modern art lights are light and luxurious, as if they are away from the hustle and bustle for an instant and the years are quiet and good. ![]() ![]() 与时光共舞,惬意舒适,享受安静的现在,让艺术定格于此,让生活更有温度。 Dance with time, comfortable and comfortable, enjoy the quiet now, let art freeze here, let life more temperature. 02 质朴之韵 Plain of rhyme - ![]() 高级银灰色调将餐厅的空间氛围拉满,造型独特的玻璃灯饰悬挂错落有致,提升空间的整体层次感。深浅不一的自然纹理背景墙在质朴中尽显纯粹细腻,搭配一抹静谧优雅的海浪之蓝,格调十足。 Senior silver gray color will be filled with the space atmosphere of the restaurant, unique glass lighting hanging patchwork, improve the overall sense of hierarchy of the space. Different shades of natural texture background wall show pure and exquisite in plain, with a touch of quiet and elegant wave blue, full of style. 03 纯粹之境 The being of pure - 主卧空间的整体风格优雅温馨又不失生活情调,无主灯设计让整体空间更为宽敞明亮。干净利落的线条勾勒出空间的非凡雅致。 Advocate lie the integral style elegant warmth of the space does not break life emotional appeal again, without advocate lamp design to make integral space more capacious and bright. Clean and agile lines draw the outline of the special elegance of the space. 翡翠之绿于空间之中跳跃、随处可见的清新绿植摆放、设计感十足的艺术装置画,无一不是用细腻柔和的笔触勾画出生活的美好与自由。 The emerald green jumps in the space, the fresh green plants can be seen everywhere, and the art installation paintings with full sense of design all depict the beauty and freedom of life with delicate and soft strokes. 04 简雅之风 Jane and wind - 只有在创造中抽丝剥茧,才能锻造出家饰的灵魂所在。书房的整体色调相恰相融,毫不违和。无过多冗杂装饰,每一件艺术装置品的摆放都是恰到好处。 黑白相间的现代简约书桌造型独特,方圆之间尽显艺术的时尚魅力。 Only in the creation, can forge the soul of home decoration. The whole of the study is tonal photograph just photograph is in harmony, do not violate and. No too many miscellaneous decoration, each piece of art installation is just right. The modern and contracted desk modelling of black and white alternate with is unique, the fashionable charm of art shows all between square and square. 05 温馨自然 Warm and natural - 次卧整体以莫兰迪蓝搭配经典米白,温馨自然,如沐春风。金属元素的点缀为空间起到画龙点睛的作用,轻奢主义立显。 The second bedroom is composed of morandi blue and classic rice white, warm and natural, like spring breeze. The ornament of metal elements plays the role of finishing point for the space, and the light luxury is evident. 悬挂于墙的艺术装置画展现出十足的立体之美,用艺术的思维凝在这宁静的时刻追忆似水流年,保持纯粹且质朴的原始风情。 The art installation hanging on the wall shows the full three-dimensional beauty, and the artistic thinking is condensed in this quiet moment to recall the passing years, and maintain the pure and plain original amorous feelings. 06 恬静之居 To send flowers and leaves toward the cloud - 以粉白为主要色调的女儿房温柔恬静,床上摆放的小兔玩偶、静置一旁的大提琴、床头柜上的南瓜装饰,都体现出少女的活泼可爱与童趣童真。 The daughter room that is main tonal gentleness with pink white is quiet, the pumpkin on the ark of the cello of the rabbit doll that puts on the bed, static set aside, head of a bed is decorated, what reflect a girl is lively and lovely with tong Qu tong zhen. 07 活力无限 Vitality Toughness - 男孩房整体风格沉稳中透出小孩子的稚气之美。色彩搭配分明,活力十足。背景墙的艺术装饰画风格看似不同,实则在艺术的碰撞中只感融洽舒适。 Style of boy room whole is composed the beauty of childishness that gives a child fully in. Color collocation is clear, full of vitality. The artistic decorative paintings on the background wall seem to be different in style, but in fact, they only feel harmonious and comfortable in the collision of art. 08 沉稳大气 Composed air - 老人房整体风格简朴自然,无过多色彩跳跃,沉稳大气不显张扬。灰蓝落地窗帘交织搭配,于阳光照耀间展现出生活的本真。 Style of old person room whole is simple and natural, without excessive colour jump, composed atmosphere does not show make public. Gray blue French curtain interweaves collocation, show the true nature of life between sunshine shine. 09 格调之美 The beauty of the style - 家庭音影室在构造上层级递进,采用内嵌式线性灯作为主要光线来源,不仅提升了空间的层次感,更增加了隐秘而温馨的空间氛围。 The structure of the family audio and video room is hierarchical. The embedded linear light is used as the main light source, which not only improves the sense of hierarchy of the space, but also increases the secret and warm space atmosphere. 蓝色经典而不过时,搭配黑色的背景墙,沉稳雅韵之气于十足的格调之美扑面而来。 Blue is classic and do not pass when, the background wall of tie-in black, the gas of composed elegant rhyme blows on the face. 10 茗心似水 Nameplates, heart like water - 古朴雅致的茶室利用现代艺术笔触打造出宁静而致远的空间感。现代生活虽不能完全避开车马喧嚣,却能于一方净土内,在心中修篱种菊。 The simple and elegant teahouse makes use of modern art to create a quiet and far-away sense of space. Although modern life can not completely avoid the noise of cars and horses, but in a pure land, in the heart of hedges and planting chrysanthemum. 11 惬意晴明 Nice sunny - 采光性良好的室外阳台吸收天地精华,阳光沐浴下令人心旷神怡。藤条靠椅清雅质朴,自然与艺术的鬼斧神工打磨出生活的岁月静好。 The outdoor balcony with good daylighting sex absorbs essence of heaven and earth, sunshine bath orders a person relaxed and happy. Elegant and rustic of cane chair for leaning on, the years that grind of the uncanny workmanship of nature and art gives life is quiet and good. 一捧香茗、一缕清风,阳台小坐,惬意十足。 A holding of tea, a wisp of breeze, the balcony sit, comfortable and full. 平面设计图 PROJECT INTRODUCTION - 项目名称|平海·九龙湾 Project Name | Ping Hai Kowloon Bay 项目类型|家居别墅 Project Type | Live in villa 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft Decoration Design | Millo Casa 项目地点|湖南郴州 Project Site | Hunan Chenzhou 项目面积|474㎡ Project Area | 474㎡ 完工时间|2021.05 Completion Time | 2021.05 |
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