米洛映象|李府公馆:气质非凡·极致奢美豪宅 ![]() PROJECT INTRODUCTION 项目名称|李府别墅公馆 项目类型|别墅私宅 软装设计|米洛映象 硬装设计|好百年装饰 项目地点|湖南郴州 项目面积|1000㎡ 完工时间|2019.01 打破定义,重塑风格,本案别墅共有四层,一层为客厅、餐厅、厨房、会客区和茗茶区等公共空间,二层为主卧、衣帽间、观景阳台等屋主人私人空间,三层是健身区和休闲区等,负一层则主要是棋牌室,品酒区,音影区等娱乐空间。空间区域分割合理,整体大气而华美,质感十足,展现着屋主人独特的艺术品味以及对高品质生活的追求。 LAYOUT CHART | 平面布置图 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 01 HOUSEHOLD - 入户 ![]() 无峰不石,无石不松。迎客松灵气十足,姿态舒展,独特的质感让空间形成微妙的张力,带来强烈的视觉观感,让每一处细节,都拥有生活的仪式感。旋转楼梯连接着每一层的空间,弧形的曲线极具美感,拾级而上,层层环绕间,灯饰华美大气,而金属独有的光泽和质感,也让空间多了几分浪漫与优雅。 No peak, no stone, no pine. The unique texture makes the space form a subtle tension, bringing a strong visual sense, so that every detail is the attention to the sense of ritual life.Revolving stair is connecting the space of each layer, lamp is acted the role of colorful atmosphere, and metallic unique burnish and simple sense, also let a space many minutes of romance and grace. ![]() ![]() 02 SITTING ROOM - 客厅 ![]() ![]() 客厅深色的大理石沉稳而大气,环形水晶吊灯点亮了整体空间,让柔光似浮华过境般,浸满了整个时光。皮革与丝绒交织,将沙发的舒适度拉满,不同材质碰撞出独特的质感,此刻,空间雅奢之感便油然而生。 Marble is composed and atmospheric, ring crystal droplight lit integral space, leather and velvet interweave, the comfort of sofa is pulled full, elegant and luxurious feeling arises spontaneously. 03 DINING ROOM - 餐厅 餐厅整体大气而通透,区域划分明显,动线流畅,且空间细节丰富。餐桌以金属镶边,散发着独属于它气质,柔软的单椅让用餐环境更加舒适,让人间烟火,也更加动人。将设计融于细节,让空间更具情感与温度。 Dining-room atmosphere and transparent, area division is obvious, moving line is fluent, dimensional detail is rich. The dining table is edged with metal, and the soft single chair makes the dining environment more comfortable. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC301.tmp.png 04 MASTER BEDROOM - 主卧 主卧空间的色彩运用恰到好处,木制的墙面与地面沉稳大气,蓝色的海浪浮雕肌理独特,米白的沙发和宝蓝色大床细腻高雅,深浅相衬,层次感十足,柔软的金边绒毛地毯则带来细腻的触感,营造出温馨舒适的居住环境。 Advocate lie the application of dimensional colour is proper, reveal a rich texture effect. The sofa of rice white and royal blue big bed are exquisite and elegant, the soft carpet brings exquisite touch, built a warm and comfortable household environment. 05 STUDY ROOM- 书房 质感天然的实木书柜摆放着主人珍贵的藏品与书籍,气质冷静而沉稳,让独处的氛围更加适合沉静的思考。米白色的皮革沙发色彩柔和,柔软的方形抱枕纹路似山峰高耸,金边渲染,美感天然且十分舒适。而空间中的装置画则艺术感十足,骏马毛色赤红、俊逸非常,书桌上的金马摆件前胸宽阔,臀部滚圆,极具灵气与艺术气息。 The solid wood bookcase displays the precious collection and the book, the beige leather sofa color is soft, the soft square embrace pillow is very comfortable. The steed is red and handsome. The golden horse on the desk has a broad chest and round hips. 06 SECONDARY BEDROOM - 次卧 次卧背景墙上的米白色浮雕独具特色,为空间增添了鲜活感。窗帘的灰与蓝相织交融,为空间晕染了一丝神秘气息,坐在蓝色单人沙发上,点上一盏灯,享受夜的宁静与温柔。 The rice white relief on the setting wall of second lie has characteristic alone, the gray of curtain and blue photograph are woven blend, sit on blue single person sofa, enjoy the halcyon of the night and gentleness. 水晶吊灯为空间增添了几分时尚之感,地毯似海浪沉浮,又似山峰绵延,于不经意间流露出写意之美,柔和舒缓,让住户能从点滴之处感受到高品质的生活方式。 Crystal droplight added a few minutes vogue to the space, carpet is like wave sink or fall, resemble a mountain to extend again, reveal the beauty of freehand brushwork inadvertently, gentle and slow, let resident can feel the lifestyle of high quality from bit by bit place. 07 RECREATIONAL AREA - 休闲区 file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC330.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC331.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC341.tmp.png 色彩清新而自然的背景墙与台球桌面互相映衬,层次感分明,通过色彩间的过渡、平衡了整个空间的氛围,与此刻打一场桌球放松身心,让休闲的时光更为惬意。整齐摆放的藏酒,各具特色的摆件,每一处细节都展现主人对高品质的追求。墙面上的壁炉让空间更具设计感,造型独特的醒酒器为品酒增添一丝乐趣,倒上一杯红酒,享受浓浓的芬芳,品味甘甜。 Color fresh and natural background wall and billiard table set off each other, layer sense, through the transition between colors, balanced the atmosphere of the whole space, and at the moment to play a game of table tennis to relax the body and mind, let the leisure time more comfortable.The fireplace on the wall lets the space have more design sense. The decanter with unique shape adds a bit of fun to the wine tasting. Pour a glass of red wine and enjoy the thick fragrance. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC342.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC343.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC344.tmp.png 08 VIDEO ROOM - 音影室 file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC345.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC346.tmp.png 蓝色的夜空,洒满了闪耀的星光,将空间打造在璀璨的夜幕之下,让空间氛围感感强烈,且浪漫十足。而红与蓝的撞色,则让空间层次分明,视觉感更为强烈,让每一秒的体验,都拥有极致的享受。 The blue night sky is full of shining stars, creating the space under the bright night, which makes the space feel strong and romantic. The contrast between red and blue makes the space distinct and the visual sense more intense, so that every second of experience has the ultimate enjoyment. file:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC347.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC358.tmp.pngfile:///C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml\wpsC359.tmp.png 09 RECEPTION ROOM - 会客厅 仙鹤天上飞,金瓦衬高墙,墙面的白云浮雕与画作互相映衬,以精美的纹饰雕琢着雅致的氛围。皮革沙发上抱枕颜色多样、造型各异,为空间点缀几分活跃的氛围。 The white cloud relief of metope and painting set off each other, the color diversity that holds pillow on leather sofa, modelling is different, adorn active atmosphere. 会客厅韵味十足,背景墙描绘着一幕鸟啼月下的景色,典雅非常。造型独特的实木家具彰显出空间沉稳的气质,桌案上精心装饰的瓷瓶和别具一格的奇石,于层层意境中将视觉不断延伸,让空间高级感十足。 The background wall depicts the scene under the birdsong moon, the solid wood furniture highlights the calm breath, the porcelain bottles and strange stones on the table and table add a deep bearing to the space, showing that the host pursues a solemn and elegant life. |
本帖最后由 MilloDesign 于 2021-11-16 11:18 编辑