意蕴层层起,处处存。 The charm of things rises in every detail and exists everywhere. 以家居功能为基址的居所,在使用模块上基于寻常功能之外倾重于娱乐性能,与朋友聚会、玩乐为考量的叙写点,构筑与现代意式邂逅的简约与格调。 The residence based on home function, in addition to ordinary functions, focuses more on entertainment function, gathering with friends, play as the entry point of consideration.Structure and modern Italian encounter simplicity and style. 01 THE FIRST FLOOR 一层 - 重新解构外物表达形式 建筑手法加之于室内 以既定空间的骨骼为线 加以艺术的再建构呈现 空间承重柱以圆柱展现 几何体的转变迎合感官印象 上端留白辅以灯光的烘托 空灵与庄重联袂而至 The spatial bearing columns are represented by columns, The geometry is transformed to cater to sensory impressions;There is a space on the top that is set off by light,ethereal and solemn go hand in hand. 空间柱体 呈序列排布以之为动线引导、限定区域塑造空间仪式感与隆重氛围 Spatial columns are arranged in sequence,Use it as a moving line to guide and define each space,Create a sense of ceremony and grand atmosphere in the room. 02 THE SECOND FLOOR 二层 二楼定位为居住空间 以灰为 主色调 色度 体块 结构 做元素之间的叠加 探寻事物的多元表达方式 光与结构穿插的妙窍 体块与形态灵动延伸 Explore the multiple expressions of things,the cleverness of light and structure,flexible extension of body block and body. 居者喜爱的灰 化为不同明度的色盘 张弛有度、层次井然 Owner's favorite ash,Into a color disc with different lightness,Retract and release freely and orderly. 03 BASEMENT 地下空间 常用于宴友 聚会之需茶室、酒吧区、影音室地下空间集聚多种娱乐功能 拓出天井空间 引自然光,植自然造物 墙体装点野生痕迹呈开放状 仿若与户外直接对话,打造自然共通感 Expand the patio space,Introduce natural light and plant natural creation,The natural trace of wall decoration is connected with the patio,It seems to have a direct dialogue with the outdoors to create a natural synaesthesia. 04 HOUSE TYPE&PLANE DESIGN 原始结构&平面设计图 |
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