O1. 【项目信息】 项目名称:咖啡+酒吧*西里-468店 Area:套内120㎡(不含外摆区) 项目地址:成都绿地468云里 Touchdown time:2022 设计团队:杨赫、王睿 Photographer:那个普尤 白天迁就生活 晚上打理灵魂 Give way to life during the day, take care of the soul at night O2. 【卡座区】 昼 红色代表热情的包容性与统一性 Red Represents the inclusiveness and unity of enthusiasm 在一定程度上呼应了我们白咖夜酒的主题 To some extent, it echoes the theme of our white coffee night wine 选择在整个卡座区用红色为主题包裹 Choose to wrap the entire booth area in red for the theme 配以木色、黑色、金色等都讲述着不同氛围故事 With Wood, black, gold and so on are telling the story of a different atmosphere O3. 【公共区】 夜 468的都市时尚与复古英伦外观建筑奠定了所处位置的独特性 The 468's urban chic and retro Exterior Buildings Lay the uniqueness of the location 因地优势我们选择文化的多样性共存 Because of local advantages we choose to coexist with cultural diversity 保留复古浪漫的主调同时碰撞时尚的单品 Keep the romantic theme of Retro while colliding with fashion pieces 主题延续维多利亚时期的优雅、含蓄、高贵 The theme continues the elegance, implicature and nobility of the Victorian period 其代表性的教堂玻璃进行简化,自然拱形的手法保留,皮革、古典水晶灯的运用 Its representative church glass is simplified, natural arch technique is retained, and leather is used for classical crystal lamp 风格表现形式上进行提炼,增加些许现代手法处理 On the style expression form carries on the refinement, increases the little modern technique processing 金属的栏杆与呼应、黑色的大理石与花砖碰撞、复古花盘与线型灯的融合 Metal balustrades and echoes, black marble and tile collision, retro disc and linear lamp fusion 以“过去与未来的互观”为出发点 Take“Past and future mutual view” as the starting point 通过有沉淀历史的复古酒架与极具科技感、未来感的金属电镀砖进行元素碰撞 Through the precipitation of the history of the vintage wine shelf with a sense of science and technology, a sense of the future of metal-plated brick elements collision 增强空间的层次感与丰富性 Enhance the sense of hierarchy and richness of the space O4. 【包间】 慵懒的靠在丝绒抱枕上,旁边是随着音乐翩翩起舞的火焰 Lounging on a velvet throw pillow, the flames danced to the music 再来上一杯威士忌,夜晚的浪漫随之轻轻而来 A glass of whisky and the romance of the night O5.【卫生间】 O6.【平面图】 |
本帖最后由 赤古设计 于 2022-10-10 12:43 编辑