梦萦 世人都难看见你 你只是昙花一现 我见我在石头里 我梦你在河流里 河床干了 我们就可同行 ![]() 项目名称 | 建邺春天里 项目面积 | 140㎡ 项目类型 | 住宅 设计单位 | 一品囧家全案設计 主案设计 | 王阳 设计时间 | 2021.06 完工时间 | 2022.12 项目摄影 | 梵镜·建筑空间摄影 ○客厅 我们往往过于追求事物的完美 却忘记了 保留其本身原本的状态 其实更有情趣 在摈弃生活的焦灼繁杂之余 释放心中属于艺术的美好愿景 更加真实地找到心灵柔软之地 ■ We tend to strive too much for perfection But forgot Keep it in its original state It's actually more interesting Without the worry and complexity of life Release the beautiful vision of art in your heart More truly find the soft place of heart ![]() ○功能性 客厅不再是常规会客厅 是淋漓秋雨中的家庭影院 是孩子娱乐与学习的活动室 是一首轻音乐下的瑜伽运动 空间内所有家具都可移动 使得场所实现多种功能场景的转换 让空间更为灵活多变 ■ The living room is no longer a regular meeting room It's a home theater in the autumn rain It is an activity room for children's entertainment and learning Is a light music under the yoga exercise All furniture in the space is movable Make the place realize the transformation of multiple functional scenarios Make the space more flexible ![]() ![]() ![]() ○阳台 采光最好的客厅阳台 跟客厅成为一体空间 最大限度让客厅拥抱阳光 万籁俱静的时光下 偶尔传来几声猫叫 何尝不是闲寂生活中的一抹逸趣 ■ The living room balcony with the best light With the living room into one space Maximize the living room to embrace the sun All quiet time There was the occasional meow of a cat It's a little fun in a quiet life ○餐厨 行走千万里 心系不过几碗烟火 餐厨空间一体化设计 形成一个开放式的烹饪就餐空间 使得整体空间更为通透敞亮 ■ Travel thousands of miles Just a few bowls of fireworks Integrated design of kitchen space Forming an open cooking and dining space It makes the whole space more transparent and bright ○卧室 自由洒脱的布局 通透空灵的视觉感受 以最原始的黑白色展现空间 又巧妙运用弧形顶面 诠释出严序而又不失随性的生活态度 ■ Free and easy layout Transparent and ethereal visual experience Show the space with the most original black and white And clever use of curved top surface The interpretation of strict order without losing the casual attitude to life ![]() ○卫生间 空间隔而不断 打造一体化套房空间 衣帽间、开放浴室、休息区 不仅实现不同功能场所的一体化 更于视觉上放大空间体量感 ■ The space is constantly separated Create integrated suite space Cloakroom, open bathroom, sitting area Not only to achieve the integration of different functional places More visually enlarge the sense of space volume 感谢您的转发,让更多人看到我们的作品,我们的成长感谢每一个你 Please help us to forward our works to more people. Thank you for your growt END- 一品装饰@囧家软装 QQ∣2321481047 电话∣15993641924 微信∣15993641924