本帖最后由 日月阳明 于 2023-12-1 15:12 编辑 " U1 ]1 e" L* N0 S! a 我以为 最美的日子 当是晨起侍花 闲来煮茶 阳光下打盹 细雨中漫步 夜灯下读书 在这清浅时光里 一手烟火一手诗意 任窗外花开花落 云来云往 自是余味无尽 万般愜意 ——汪曾祺《慢煮生活》 4 M: h4 _% | ?( s# H( M1 B3 U; E2 S项目名称 | 建邺春天里 项目面积 | 160㎡ 项目类型 | 住宅 设计单位 | 一品囧家全案設计 主案设计 | 王阳 设计时间 | 2021.04 完工时间 | 2023.01 项目摄影 | 梵镜·建筑空间摄影 ) L- U' i6 i) h9 S6 u0 p$ A. n4 a- I3 d( z% _2 O& Z ○ 入户衣帽间 1 b8 ]6 [& {+ a C( e r 拆掉一个入户卧室,从而打造一个入户衣帽间,是这套案例设计的首要亮点。卸下一身疲倦回到家中,移动的更衣镜成为一道隐形门,过门而入可直达洗衣房。衣帽间的空间功能,使得居者的需求能在第一时间得到满足。 Removing an entry bedroom and having an entry cloakroom is the primary highlight of the design of this case. The space function of the cloakroom allows the needs of the residents to be met in the first time. 9 u) T+ f0 r4 p ■ 7 _# f# R; Y5 u4 |+ l6 d & f1 `3 Z- o6 _# }6 m I ' `* ?7 Y; W4 g& H" z+ P, Q4 N+ I7 k ○ 客 厅 客厅整体采用经典黑白搭配,低调地彰显空间的时尚格调。室内动线灵活,从软枕沙发到单人吊椅。动静分区的组合通过区域穿行而得到不同的感知。 The whole living room adopts classic black and white collocation, understated to highlight the "fashion" style of the space. The indoor moving line is flexible, from soft pillow sofa to single hanging chair. The combination of dynamic and static zones through the region to get different perceptions. ■ & Z4 W* I- W: k- t* M F3 g" R / S! }" }" h' K% e9 C! } 整面的落地窗将室外的景色收纳,灯带的隐藏设立使得空间氛围感得到完整体现。光与景在此交融,简单、纯粹与舒适共鸣。 The floor-to-ceiling Windows of the whole face contain the outdoor scenery, and the hidden setting of the light belt makes the space atmosphere feel fully reflected. Light and scenery blend here, simple, pure and comfortable resonance. 5 j& F6 w) z+ j) @4 F i/ v - j7 l6 {; ^9 N6 |$ i' a* X ○ 餐 厅 ( r! P% h4 ~2 {, b$ W ! o3 K c$ ?6 J2 a+ h2 p( s) n居住的艺术往往不光是居住本身,交流也同样是一大课题,满足味蕾之际并不妨碍参与亲人间的闲谈。餐桌采用德利丰岩板大岛台设计,丰富美感的同时,使得聚餐变得更为方便。 2 t1 ]: r6 p8 q: T 2 \; T8 }8 x6 ?: u' IThe art of living is often not just about living in itself, but also about communication, satisfying taste buds without preventing you from engaging in the small talk of family members. The dining table is designed with the large island of Dreyphon rock plate, which adds rich aesthetic feeling and makes the dining party more convenient. : W+ e( V+ \- W* x1 q& e5 q! N ■ 1 G- h4 k; d) L: X$ u8 ]/ Y 6 t9 c4 W- M$ K, B. G2 z 背景转折与隐形门的设计,让墙面连贯性更加整体,增加空间的完整性。开放式厨房于视觉上将空间尺度拓展,而当来自厨房的食物香气满溢全屋时,也恰是这人间最具烟火气的时光。 The design of background transition and invisible door makes the wall more integrated and increases the integrity of the space. The open kitchen visually expands the space scale, and when the aroma of food from the kitchen fills the whole house, it is the most exciting time in the world. : C0 G! G( q! [ 1 Y$ J3 [. n& n: S + a; C3 R* i8 x ) C, p6 x! j: c& T1 l5 B/ d / d1 c% z9 b; y/ k# S- Q1 a # w I2 [$ \. a3 O0 C. S9 f ○ 主 卧 卧室延续公共空间的简约色调,恰到好处的留白,光影与线条勾勒出利落的空间,将自由与舒适娓娓道来。整面衣柜的设立,充分满足收纳需求,同时呈现出井然有序的视觉感受,使得空间功能性与美学性并存。闲暇时刻,安坐于窗边看城市明灭的灯火,别具意味。 The bedroom continues the simple tone of the public space, with just the right amount of white space, light and shadow and lines outline the neat space, which conveys freedom and comfort. In leisure time, sitting by the window watching the city lights out, has a different meaning. # N3 G: X; ~* r8 @ ■ % Q. Y2 g8 y5 e' N1 i3 O 8 ]/ u3 b' W, g" s K- ~3 X ○ 女儿房 女儿房则不拘于传统色彩搭配,以极具个性的黑白,搭配精致优雅的现代化软装,塑造出独立、潮酷的空间氛围。同时也为成长中的女孩传递自信与不羁的人生态度。 The daughter's room is not limited to the traditional color collocation, with a very personalized black and white, with the modern exquisite elegant soft clothes, to create an independent, cool space atmosphere. It also conveys a confident and uninhibited attitude towards life to growing girls. ■ 6 W7 m9 | f$ F) U 0 j# e% I8 m7 @; u3 H) o + _5 h, X( W& [0 u# X8 Z 1 U$ {6 N8 T( i0 Y8 ^ ○ 卫生间 ) ?+ m# U% g) L1 n# Q8 A+ y# R 卫生间以浅色调渲染静谧的空间氛围,镜面后的墙柜足够收纳所有的零碎生活用品,使得台面整洁有序,悬空式壁挂马桶更具功能延伸,消除卫生死角的同时,更显空间干净利落。 The bathroom renders the quiet space atmosphere with light colors. The wall cabinet behind the mirror is enough to store all the scraps of daily necessities, making the table clean and orderly. The hanging wall hanging toilet is more functional extension, eliminating sanitary dead corners and showing the space clean and neat. 感谢您的转发,让更多人看 Please help us to forward our works to more people. Thank you for your growt 8 O: z U0 Q, ?3 U: V END- 一品装饰@囧家软装 QQ∣2321481047 电话∣15993641924 微信∣15993641924 # K4 h/ k" R, c# E3 j( z3 \5 y d+ Q/ K 8 u/ m% T- c- A# W1 M' t |