潜木设计: 金光洒在神庙尼罗河依旧蜿蜒

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本帖最后由 潜木室内研究所 于 2024-9-13 16:49 编辑


本案位于福州共计1300 m²,这是我们与甲方的第二次合作。通过深入沟通,把握了甲方所期望打造的风格后,确定了以古埃及文化为主题并展开了一系列的创意主题设计。
This project is located in Fuzhou with a total area of ​​1,300 m². This is our second cooperation with Party A. After in-depth communication and understanding of the style desired by Party A, the theme of ancient Egyptian culture was determined and a series of creative theme designs were launched.
When you step into the lobby, the first thing that catches your eye is the simple charm of the carved and aged wooden doors. The walls are carved with exquisite hieroglyphs and totem reliefs. These symbols are like elegant poems, flowing among the stone tablets and walls, vividly recording the glorious history and profound beliefs of ancient Egypt. As if traveling through the long river of time, the splendor of history is unfolding before your eyes.



Considering that this project is a spa space, its purpose is to provide customers with a relaxing and comfortable environment. In order to fit the atmosphere of this space, we specially chose a design without main lights and mainly used warm-colored lights to create a warm and relaxing atmosphere. The light strips are cleverly integrated, allowing light to flow naturally into the space, enhancing the overall comfort.

In details, the image of the sun god Ra is exquisitely painted under the reception desk in the lobby. These symbols are not only representative elements of ancient Egyptian culture, but also symbolize the power and majesty of the gods. They highlight the profound meaning of the theme in every detail, further strengthening the cultural atmosphere of the overall design.
The main colors are gold and orange, creating a luxurious and warm atmosphere. Exposed stones. In order to restore the real sense of touch, the soft decoration team purchased hundreds of ancient bronzes and pottery pots, showing the unique charm of ancient craftsmanship. Exquisite candlestick lamps emit soft light and shadow, further rendering the mystery of the space. Acupuncture and palms add a touch of natural vitality to the space, making the overall environment full of the richness of ancient Egyptian culture.


Under palm treesEternal art and frozen time


In the shoe-changing area, what is particularly eye-catching is the old-style ethnic chandelier. It not only integrates the actual needs of the area, but also becomes the focus of the space. With its unique design and retro style, this chandelier subtly adds cultural depth and visual interest to the space, making the shoe-changing area not only practical, but also uniquely decorative and artistic.

Stepping into the foot massage area, the lighting design continues the warm atmosphere of the hall. It still uses a design without main lights and continues to exude a soft, warm-toned light. This consistency of design creates a harmonious visual and sensory coherence throughout the space. The candlelight swayed slightly, reflecting the unique scarab totem and ostrich ceremonial fan of ancient Egypt, making the design theme more vivid and attractive.

Beautiful and practical limestone is widely used on the floor of the lobby and foot bathing area. Its stable color lines and texture add a simple and heavy temperament to the space.

The cultural heritage nurturedby the harmonious coexistence of man and nature

The design equipment of the scent area is unique, and unique fragrance formulas are prepared according to the different needs and physical constitution of customers, making every experience unique. Viewed from the moving line, the entire space forms a natural and smooth closed loop. Retro ethnic style runs through it.

The papyrus column elements with ancient Egyptian characteristics on the walls elevate the space atmosphere to a new level. Its texture and texture blend perfectly with the surrounding environment, as if taking people back to the ancient Karnak Temple and feeling the tranquility and mystery. These detailed designs make the scent area not only a functional space, but also an art place full of classical charm and modern comfort.

The ancient Egyptians drew inspiration from nature and created a unique art form based on the papyrus that thrived along the Nile River. The design of the papyrus column is inspired by its tall stems and the blooming corolla at the top. This plant-shaped column not only symbolizes the prosperity and power of life, but also embodies the ancient Egyptian wisdom of harmonious coexistence with nature.

The top decoration is like a blooming corolla, and the rich patterns and color changes give the stigma a high appeal. Every detail demonstrates the exquisite skills and extraordinary creativity of ancient Egyptian craftsmen.



项目名称:星月宫SPA (宝龙店)
项目地址: 中国 福建省 福州市



潜木设计: 金光洒在神庙尼罗河依旧蜿蜒
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