——隐于街巷的澳式餐吧 市中心酒吧区的几百米开外,这个城市突然调低了它的音量,旧楼小巷、市井生活依次铺开,No Worries便藏匿于此——石婆婆庵12#。 A few hundred metres away from the downtown bar area, the city suddenly lowered its volume. Old buildings, alleys and city life were spread out in turn. No Worries was hiding here - Shi Po'an 12 #. 双层尖顶的小独栋在这片已不多见,我们将它刷白,为它支起一抹向日葵黄的挑檐,面街置吧台、开大片上翻窗,推倒隔开二层露台与室内的墙,设整面玻璃折门,使其开放,让更多的光进来,让这栋“新”的小楼与这片老社区交谈,试着唤醒整条灰朦的街道。 A small single double-decked spire building is rare in this area. We whitewash it, erect a sunflower-yellow eaves for it, place bar counters on the street, open large windows, push down the walls separating the two-deck terrace and the interior, set up a glass folding door to open it, let more light come in, let the "new" small building talk with the old community, and try to wake up the whole gray street. ![]() ![]() 设计师造空间,空间只是容器。餐吧老板娘是个澳洲留学归来的年轻姑娘,酷爱澳式brunch的饮食文化,于她而言这儿更像是从私人角度面向公众的一个分享。我们在餐桌边设计了一面洞洞板,将厨房的门做成黑板,楼梯一面设计书柜,留白的肌理墙等也留给了她更多的展示空间,她用在澳洲读书时的手办、票根、各类美食手记、白熊等有温度的物件装点。店名“No Worries”取自澳洲人非常喜欢的一句口头禅,表示没有关系、无需担心,本身带着一种柔软的抚慰意味。天气晴好时,日光和煦,不热不燥,打开翻窗拉开折门,倚坐露台可以看到附近悠然踱步的老人、放学归来的孩童、互道安好的邻里,一切都是日常而寻常,一切都No Worries。 Designers make space, space is just a container. The restaurant owner is a young girl returning from Australian studies. She loves Australian brunch's food culture. For her, it is more like a private sharing for the public. We designed a hole board at the dining table, made the kitchen door into a blackboard, designed bookcase on the staircase side, and left more space for her to display. She used hand-made, ticket stubs, all kinds of food handwriting, white bears and other items with temperature to decorate when she was studying in Australia. The name "No Worries" comes from a phrase that Australians like very much. It means that it's okay, there's no need to worry, and it has a soft soothing meaning. When the weather is fine, the sun is warm, not hot and not dry. Open the window and open the door. Sitting on the terrace, you can see the elderly pacing nearby, the children returning from school, and the neighborhood where each other is peaceful. Everything is everyday and ordinary. Everything is no Worries. ![]() ![]() ![]() 餐厅入口灵活分割的空间体块和色彩关系,在进门之初就冲淡了建筑的封闭感,如同一件明亮通透的现代装置艺术,既吸引着路人的目光,也引导着空间由外向内渐次呈现。 The flexible segmented space block and color relationship at the entrance of the restaurant dilutes the closure of the building at the beginning of the entrance. Like a bright and transparent modern installation art, it not only attracts the attention of passers-by, but also guides the space to present gradually from outside to inside. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 室内整体色调清新而温暖,水磨石、原木板、肌理白墙、纤细的线条都给人以放松自如的感受,仿佛一个安静舒适的小屋,有阳光有美食有酒有书。形式各异的餐桌座椅惬意意有序地摆放着,以分而不隔的方式自然组合成不同的情境,满足不同使用需求,在统一的空间气质下又有微妙的小变化,很好地丰富了食客的多维就餐体验 Indoor overall tone is fresh and warm, terrazzo, log board, texture white wall, fine lines give people a relaxed and comfortable feeling, like a quiet and comfortable cottage, with sunshine, delicious food, wine and books. Dining tables and seats of different forms are arranged in a comfortable and orderly manner, and naturally assembled into different situations in a segregated and non-segregated manner to meet different needs for use. There are subtle changes under the unified space temperament, which enriches the multidimensional dining experience of diners. ![]() 沿木楼梯进入二楼,我们剥掉墙体表层墙灰,露出原有砖结构,掀开上届装修遗留的平顶,使其原始木梁尖顶草席瓦片结构重现,整理喷漆翻新,尊重建筑,尊重时间。钢丝网片沿着斜顶向上泛五彩的光,不同模式的转换,黑夜与白昼交错,晚上它摇身变为一个轻慢的小酒馆。无论何时,每个人在此都能够找到适合自己的一方角落。世上那么多城镇,城镇上有那么多酒馆,希望你走进我的。 As we entered the second floor along the wooden stairs, we peeled off the surface wall ash, exposed the original brick structure, lifted the flat roof left over from the previous decoration, and made the original wooden beam cusp grass tile structure reappear, finishing and painting renovation, respecting the building, respecting the time. Wire mesh along the inclined roof upward pan-colorful light, different modes of conversion, night and day staggered, at night it shakes into a slow pub. At any time, everyone can find their own corner here. There are so many towns in the world, there are so many pubs in the towns. I hope you will come into me. 细腻、轻盈、温柔、明朗,是我们对这家店的最初设想,也是最终落地。希望借空间怡情提升“食”的趣味与深度,口腹之欲固然是重要的,但利用Brunch这段时间和好友小聚一场又或者只是自己独自听听歌发发呆,也是愉悦的调剂。生活,总是需要这样一些让人热爱的高光时刻。 Delicacy, lightness, gentleness and clarity are our initial idea of this store and its final landing. Despite the importance of appetite, it is also a good way to make use of Brunch's time to have a small gathering with friends or just listen to the song alone to be dazed. Life always needs such loving highlights. 项目名称丨No worries 澳式餐吧 项目地点丨南京市珠江路沿线石婆婆庵12号 项目面积丨142㎡ 设计公司丨拿云室内设计有限公司 摄 影丨Emma |
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