Hair salon | 美联社美发 时尚轻奢风 | 青禾空间设计 专注原创设计 最佳合作机构 FOCUS ON THE WHOLE CASE DESIGN 光影 | 空间 | 舒适 | 休闲 | 展示 ▼ 设计概念 DESIGN SYTLE CONNECTION 对于美的追求,一直都是艺术永恒的主题。当某个设计作品,以其独特的美将你我打动,则它是具有独特艺术品质的,美联社,便是如此。 The pursuit of beauty has always been the eternal theme of art. When an architectural work touches you and me with its unique style and taste, we will say that it has artisticquality. That's the case with the Associated Press. ▼ 空间改造 SPACE TRANSFORMATION ▲店面原状 自然中的所有物质,山、水、空气、都是光所赐,他们中的所有皆有影,影属于光。光是万物之源。 —— Louis Isadore Kahn 原有店面二楼全部为暗房,无任何采光和通风,我们设计根据业主需求,直面空间痛点,反复推敲后考虑打通室外廊道夹层空间,引入阳光和自然风,并将夹层空间利用成茶室和休息室,用根本上解决原有空间的暗黑格局以及功能叠加的最大化。 ▲平面布置图 设计秉持着“人应是空间核心”的理念,调整原有的楼梯位置,左右互换,让空间充满互动感,成为一个不可多得的空间亮点。 The Associated Press upholds the idea that "people should be the core of the space", adjusts the original staircase position, exchanges left and right, and makes the space full of interaction, making it a rare space highlight. ▲施工过程 ▼ 实景呈现 SPACE PHOTOGRAPHY 门头设计采用大面积留白,将美联社logo衍生而来的弧形造型贯穿全案,全尺度的落地玻璃门窗,打破了空间中的距离感,无意间拉近了某种互动感,也为整体视觉感受注入了几丝轻盈透亮的气息。 The design of the door head uses a large area of blank, which runs through the whole case with the arc portal modelling derived from the Associated Press logo. 推门而入是美联社的等待区,设计师采用了挑空设计的方式,在增加与楼上空间互动的同时,也添了不少趣味性。 Pushing the door in is the waiting area of the Associated Press. Designers adopt the way of empty design. 一楼大厅的设计依旧承袭了整个空间主题,整个方案的配色多采用浅淡轻盈的色调,以乳白色水磨石为主体,辅以浅灰色大理石地砖,与零星散落其间的烟灰金属边框座椅,共同营造出充满现代感的简约氛围。 The design of the first floor hall still inherits the theme of the whole space. The color matching of the whole scheme mostly adopts light and light tones, with milky terrazzo as the main body, light grey marble floor tiles as the supplement, and smoke metal frame seats scattered among them, to create a concise atmosphere full of modern sense. 剪发区的弧形立面墙体,巧妙地隐藏了空间的承重柱,同时承担起区域分割的功能,并与右侧的转角楼梯相呼应,极大地丰富了视觉效果,更显现出设计师的匠心独运。 The arc-shaped facade wall in the haircut area cleverly conceals the load-bearing pillars of the space. At the same time, it undertakes the function of regional segmentation and corresponds to the corner stairs on the right, which greatly enriches the visual effect and shows the ingenuity of the designer. 空间中楼梯承担着沟通与联结的使命,美联社的弧形楼梯,外观颇具现代风格,弧形蜿蜒的侧边扶手,营造出一种奇妙的灵动感,像是在引导人们,去探寻更深处的秘密。 In space, staircases always undertake the mission of communication and connection. The Associated Press arc staircase has a modern appearance, and the curved side handrails create a wonderful sense of agility, like guiding people to explore deeper secrets. 这个角度的楼梯,能更加直观地感受到艺术吊灯的整体设计,造型圆润可爱却不失时尚感,在装点空间的同时,也增加了空间延续性。 The Angle of the stairs, more intuitive to feel the overall design of droplight, art sweet fruity modelling but do not break vogue feeling, at the same time of deck space, also increases the space continuity.
在总监室这个独立的空间里,你可以体验到美发总监为您带来的尊崇服务。经典的黑白配色悄然提升了空间质感,金色的艺术雕像静置其间,恰好成为这一方小天地的点睛之笔。 In this independent space, you can experience the elegant hairdressing service brought by the design director. The classic black and white color scheme quietly promoted the spatial texture. The golden art statue stands in the middle, which just becomes the finishing touch of this small world.
项目名称 | 美联社时尚美发会所 项目类型 | 美发商业空间 项目位置 | 湖南 长沙 设计机构 | QSD青禾空间设计 设计面积 | 130平米 竣工时间 | 2019年06月 主要材料 | 香槟金不锈钢、水磨石、肌理漆、木地板 THE END 感谢观赏 如果您需要跟我们合作方案设计、全案设计 或者效果图表现、设计同行交流 请扫以下二维码发现我们 |
tuozhe890 2019-10-15 12:44:27
静心v8 发表于 2019-9-20 13:36