诗意的奢华 Poetic Luxury ![]() 真正的奢华,乃回归生活的本质 生活应该是从容的、诗意的 True luxury is returning to the essence of life Life should be easy and poetic ![]() 厦门是一个国际化与艺术人文气息碰撞的城市 项目地处厦门环岛路 居半岛之上 藏山海之美 Xiamen is a city where globalization collides with art and humanism atmosphere The project is located in Huandao Rd., Xiamen On the Peninsula lies the beauty of mountains and seas ![]() ![]() 以简洁、当代的设计语汇 将东西方美学的差异糅合 重新定义一种都市诗意的生活方式 With concise , modern design language Mixing the differences of eastern and western aesthetics Redefining an urban poetic life style ![]() ![]() 瓷绿色的灰雅空间里 静谧内敛的月影灰 轻快热情的探戈橘 犹如律动的音符 随性优雅间赋予空间情感张力 On the wall is the color of porcelain green with gray elegance Quiet and introverted shadow of the moon Light and passionate tango orange Like rhythmic notes Space is endowed with emotional tension in a casual elegant way ![]() △ Lorenzo Tondelli 茶几 ![]() △ Cassina 单人椅 ![]() △ Windsor 温莎沙发和 Firenze 沙发榻 ![]() △ 意大利 Baxter Blade 吊灯 一把椅,一卷书,一缕细风 还原闲达自适的生活 通过光、影、材料等细节处理 从视觉、听觉、触觉传递沉浸式空间体验 让居者获得纯粹的艺术享受 A chair , a book, a wisp of wind Restoring carefree and comfortable life Through light, shadow, materials and other details Visual, auditory and tactile transmitting the immersive spatial experience Let the residents get pure artistic enjoyment 非封闭式的围合与恰到好处的挑高 邀清风穿堂而过 走进小院,沏一壶茶 让身体与心灵在自然光的投影中愉悦共舞 将生活本该有的诗情画意还原 Non-enclosed enclosure with just the right height Inviting the breeze to cross the hall Walking into the yard and brewing a pot of tea Let the body and mind dance happily in the shadow of natural light Bring back to life what it should have been 清雅大理石融入生活的自然肌理 与熨帖的真皮、丝绒 打造低调内敛的气质空间 感受诗意生活带来的视觉与触觉享受 自然惬意,浪漫优雅 Elegant marble with the natural texture of life With pressed leather, velvet Making the restrained space Feeling the visual and tactile enjoyment brought by poetic life Natural and comfortable, romantic and elegant 百叶窗创造光与影的朦胧之美 跳动的光影节律瞬间唤醒空间的自然诗意 金属吧椅鎏光闪烁 东西方优雅相糅 时光变得缓慢而从容 Blinds create a hazy beauty of light and shadow The beating light and shadow rhythm instantly awakens the natural poetry of space The metal bar chair shimmers East and west blend gracefully Time became slow and easy 流畅又富有细节变化的金属线条 呈现蜿蜒迂回的结构美感 大片留白传递优雅静谧的空间情绪 无声中将生活的智慧缓缓道出 Smooth and detailed metallic lines Presenting the structural beauty of winding and circuitous Large white space conveying elegant and quiet space mood greatly Silently speaking out of the wisdom of life 颇具东方人文韵味的银杏绢画背景 高雅别致的Lasvit朗世唯Clover三叶草系列床头灯 营造安静、舒适的休憩环境 用艺术装点生活 平衡理想与现实、心灵和身躯 Gingko silk painting background with Oriental humanistic charm Elegant and chic Lasvit Clover series bedside lamp Creating a quiet and comfortable resting environment Decorating your life with art Balancing ideal with reality, mind and body 素雅色调和童真趣味点缀平和 散发舒适而雅趣的生活气息 Simple but elegant tonal and childlike interest ornament showing peace Sending out comfortable and refined pleasure life flavor 黄铜点缀威尼斯水滴造型玻璃灯饰 多了一份值得细细品味的艺术气息 精美的西餐具及花艺陈设 让人不自觉联想到生活原本的模样 内心的喜悦和欢愉油然而生 Brass ornaments Venice water-shaped glass lamp More than a worthy taste of art Fine western tableware and floral furnishings It reminds people of life as it is Joy and happiness arise within 充满东方艺术品位的家具 述说精致的生活和高雅的艺术审美 颇具东方水墨韵味的书房 讲述内心的风雅和从容 Furniture is full of oriental artistic taste Narrating delicate life and elegant art aesthetic Oriental ink charm study Telling the inner elegance and ease 居住艺术最完美的演绎是 摆脱设计和风格本身的束缚 感受浸透于空间细节中流露出的“优雅”品位 The most perfect interpretation of living art is Getting rid of design and style Feeling ‘elegant’taste that permeated from the details of the space 生活收藏诗和远方 一个糅合东方诗意与西方文化色彩的家 一半浪漫 一半优雅 为人们创造诗意生活一直驱动我们前行! Life collects poetry and distance A home blending of eastern poetry and western culture Half romantic and half elegant Creating a poetic life for people has been driving us forward! ▽ 平面图 一层 二层 三层 负一层 负二层 项目名称 | 厦门保利当代半岛 Project Name | Xiamen Poly Peninsula Villa 项目性质 | 住宅 Project Category | Residence 项目地点 | 厦门 Location | Xiamen 甲方单位 | 保利地产 & 当代置业 Client | Poly Group & Modern Land 硬/软装设计 | 柏年印象 Interior Design | HCD IMPRESS 项目面积 | 900m2 Area | 900m2 项目摄影 | 彦铭 Photographer | Yanming |
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