几何结构的穿插,让空间变得理性与简洁 The intersperse of geometrical structurelet a space become rational with concise 设计 / 辰佑设计 Design director / CYiD Design 项目地址 / 白沙泉金融街区151号楼 Project address/building 151, white sand spring financial block 设计时间 / 2019年4月 Design time / April 2019 这次是将砖混结构的老住宅翻新为办公空间,按功能重新进行规划,对旧建筑和室内进行改造,营造亲近自然,又保留“建筑原味”的办公氛围。 This time, we will renovate the old brick and concrete residence into office space, and re-plan according to the functions.We will renovate the old building and interior,creating an office atmosphere close to nature and retaining the "architectural flavor". 用几何结构来弱化空间视觉上的空旷感 立面垂直划分较大限度地引入自然光线穿过钢化玻璃的光源变成星星点点的光斑撒落在地让室外的光线变化转变为室内与自然的呼应与延伸 Geometric structure is used to weaken the sense of emptiness in spatial vision.The vertical division of the facade introduces natural light to a large extent , passing through the light source of tempered glass ,turning into speckled spots scattered on the ground , allowing the change of outdoor light to be transformed into an echo and extension of interior and nature. 天然材料恰当好处的运用在茶室中木材的温暖肌理触感,棉麻的柔和纹路让室内空间与大自然相拥,变得更加简约、质朴 空间动线的改变与恰当尺度的陈设烘托出浓厚的现代人文气息氛围 旧物的拆除是为了让建筑呈现出最原始的结构美 原有的吊顶与新建的空间结构进行对比新与旧的碰撞伴随流转辉映的光影弱化了梁的突兀 茶水间内部配有石英石台面和光滑的瓷砖几株绿植的点缀让理性的空间多了一份随和 一楼平面图 一楼平面布置图 二楼平面图 二楼平面布置图 |