![]() 空间不仅仅是空间本身,它是人置身其中的情感容器,是人与人亲密沟通的精神窗口,它承载了人渴望融于自然的美好愿景,更寄托着人内心深处那一丝浪漫的诗意。 Space is not only space itself,it is the emotional container in which people are placed, and the spiritual window of intimate communications between people. A space bears people’s dream of blending into the nature and their deep pursuit of romantic poetry. ![]() ![]() ![]() SUPER HOUSE 是设计师为业主精心营造的一处精神堡垒,在满足业主所有的功能需求之外,运用简洁明快而又极度浪漫的设计语汇,营造了一处温暖舒适并且充满诗意的家居空间。 SUPER HOUSE is a stronghold of the spirit designed by the designer. In addition to meeting all the functional needs of the owner, the apartment is designed to create a warm and cozy home space with a simple, yet romantic design. 在客厅左侧利用凹地台的部分空间做隐藏式工作区,钢化玻璃打开后便是功能齐全的工作空间,让客厅又多了一份神秘和有趣。 On the left side of the living room, there is a hidden working area in the platform of the space. Hidden behind the toughened glass there is a full-featured working space。it makes the living room more mysterious and interesting. 明亮的餐厨区,全部配以浅色电器的开放式厨房让空间简洁而有趣;餐桌没有配传统吊灯,而是直接以无边框射灯作为光源,确保了餐厨空间与起居空间的流动性和统一性; Coming to the bright dining area, there is an open kitchen equipped with all light colour appliance. The bright accents of the dinning space is the island, developed by the designer specifically for this project. 明朗的光线游走在卧室,是最温柔的触感,是卧室里该有的温存。 Bright light swimming in the bedroom, is the most gentle touch, is the bedroom should have some warmth. ![]() 卫生间干湿分离,淋浴区用了超白钢化玻璃,让原本冰冷的卫生间瞬间温暖了起来,同时卫生间顶部采用氛围光源设计,让昏暗的卫生间被均匀的灯光所照亮,延续了客厅的温暖与舒适; The bathroom has a sperate design. super white toughened glass was used, which warms up the room. On the top of the bathroom is the furniture with ambient light souce, so the dim bathroom is illuminated uniformly and continues the warm and comfortable style of the living area. 项目名称:SUPER HOUSE 项目地址:三润城 项目范围:全案设计 设计公司:東乙建筑空间 主笔设计:邓波 建筑面积:188平方米 风格定位:现代极简 ![]() 设计师邓波对当代艺术有较深研究,不仅能以建筑师的视角对空间进行大胆改造,而且善于从艺术的角度去重新定义空间本身,喜欢通过对材料、颜色、光线等各种元素的综合使用来营造富有诗意的人居空间. After in-depth research into mordern art for ages, Deng Bo not only specilizes in space revitalization at the aspect of an architect, but is also adept in defining the essence of spaces from the perspective of art. He is devoted to build poetic humanity spaces by using a sythesis of design elements such as material, color, light and so on. 扫一扫 关注公众号 创意空间 | 软装陈设 | 实景落地 WEIXIN : DY_Design01 MOBILE : 18274811885
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