“不需要想着飞到最高的巅峰,低空飞行的生活也很美好” "You don't have to think about flying to the highest peak, life at low altitude is also a good choice" 时间很有趣,它将两个故事切割,平行于各自的空间中,而在某个时刻又会让两者与交织,这个时刻很有趣,会让你觉得是冥冥中注定的,是偶然,也是必然。像我与这套房子的故事。 Time is an intriguing concept that allows different stories to happen in their respective spaces, and at a certain moment they will intertwined with each other. When this overlap occurs, the universe is trying to tell you something, just like my story with this house seems to be destined. 时间回溯到十年前,三口之家搬进余杭塘河旁的新房,开始新的生活时,与此同时,在同一个平行时空的我,来到杭州,开始了我的大学生活。 转眼十年,我留着这里,坚守自己设计的一番小天地,而这房子之前的小主人,也进入婚娶之年,即将成为它的新主人。 Ten years ago, a family moved into a new house beside the river in Yuhang District, while i came to Hangzhou and started my university life. In the blink of an eye, the boy of the family is about to get married. And i have my own startup about interior design. 我用上帝的视角,站在两个时空之外。故事里的我依旧是我,时间不过是改变了我的外表。小河河畔的人家依旧继续着他们的生活,只不过承载这幸福的房子需要来点改变。 From the perspective of god, time did not change who I am but my appearances. The family continues their lives under the roof, but it is time for the house to experience a rebirth. 我曾想过,是否无需大动干戈,只是在原有基础上添加一些现代元素以保留更多的回忆。与新主人几次的沟通后,最后还是选用的颠覆的方式,包括格局与动线都重新设计,赋予房子一个全新的风格。家的形态千奇各异,但我们心中对家的定义只有一个。犹如飞机飞行的高度,无论在高空或是低空飞行,它最终还是要着陆,始终未离开大地的怀抱。 I thought to myself at the very beginning that there was no necessary to renovate significantly just freshen up the space with few modern elements based on its original foundation. While after communicated with the younger owner, the subversive ideal was finally confirmed, giving it a brand new style. It does not matter how we change the interior decor of this house, the family always be together. Just Like a plane flying in the air, whether it is flying at low or high altitude, it will eventually land. 在设计上,采用大量的现代元素,更符合新青年的喜好。各个空间的多层次与强互动。运用玻璃镜面与岩板,搭配不锈钢与木饰面,让空间语言在工业与自然风中自由切换,相映成趣,亦如新主人的态度,温柔而笃定;同时搭配艺术涂料肌理感的点缀,材质的碰撞细节处理,拉升整个空间的酷黑格调。因为风格迥异,材料饰面更新,虽然是刚硬的材料,我使用了圆弧,重叠,更换色彩的手法,让这些坚硬如石的材质看起来带着生命。 In terms of the design, the use of a large number of modern elements is more in line with the preferences of the young generation, and advertises the younger owner's gentle and determined attitude towards life. The application of glass mirror and stainless steel highlights the industrial style, while the sintered stone and wood veneer stands out the natural style. In the same space, the two styles can be switched freely, creating an interesting contrast. Enhances the upscale style of the entire space by mixing of faux finish and different materials. Invigorate cold-toned materials by using arcs, overlaps, and color changes. Everything is kept simple so that the blueprint of the home and the materials used in its design are allowed to take center-stage. 在拆除墙体的过程中, 我看到隐藏在木饰面后的勾勒,那是十年前工人在墙上放样时留下的记号。不同时空的手艺人在做同一件事情,时空的交叠再次呈现。 In the process of removing the walls, I saw the outline hidden behind the wood veneer, it was a mark left by workers ten years ago. All of the sudden, a sense of space-time interweaving is back in my mind. 我们都在重复着父母辈的轨迹。空间的改变是为了焕新时代,也是我们将承起生活的信号。我们保持着低空飞行,享受着属于我们的自由天地,但没有飞的太远,因为我们知道,地上有眺望着的关切目光。 We are following the path of our parents, we also adapt to the changes of the times. We pursue self-worth under the care given by our parents. No matter where we go, we all know they are always waiting for us to back to home. 时间无尽永前,空间无界存在。 Time is endless, and space is boundless. 本文均为朱宁倩原创,请勿盗用。 需商务合作 385642651@qq.com |