欢聚或独处 都被温柔包裹着 设计 / 颜青软装 Design director / YQ Design项目地址 / 翡翠海岸Location / Feicuihaian设计时间 / 2019年6月Design time /April 2019 “拥有基本生活需求的设计”和“拎包入住”,在当下给了人们更省时省力的选择。然而开发商的设计面对的是抽象的人群,一个家的设计却必须回归到具体的生活。 千差万别的兴趣爱好和生活习惯滋养出不同的需求,千篇一律的定义无法满足每一种不同。毕竟一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特! ——YANQING DESIGN 改造前 ![]() ![]() ![]() 客厅好似一本名为《生活》的藏书,卷帙浩繁,且包含跨越时空的智慧与美感,浅灰的沙发是《音乐》、储物柜是《文学》、墙面是《历史》……客厅里的每一处每一物,都在用他们独有的材质和色彩,诉说着独家故事。 The living room is like a book named life, which is voluminous and contains wisdom and beauty across time and space. The light grey sofa is the music storage cabinet, the literary wall is every thing in the historical sitting room, all telling exclusive stories with their unique materials and colors. 改造前 ![]() ![]() 餐厅中的吊灯亦是纤细骨感,不增添一丝一毫的累赘感。皮质餐椅搭配石材台面餐桌将同是黑白基调的不同材质结合,通过碰撞诠释生活中一日三餐的个性与温度。 改造前 ![]() 主卧是专属于个人的私密空间,因而个性与格调都尤为突出。复古背景墙顶部一线凝黑,在寂静中爆发着巨大的存在感。选用金属异形吊灯,亦是不动声色的调皮活泼。 Advocate lie is the illicit close space that is exclusive at householder, consequently individual character and style are particularly outstanding. The top of the retro background wall is a line of condensation black, erupting in silence with a huge sense of presence. Choose metallic alien droplight, also be the piquant and lively that does not show one's feelings. 改造前 ![]() 整个浅色的基调,柔和了空间的理性,使得生活从城市的喧嚣中的一点点撤退。 The whole tone of light color softens the rationality of space, making life a little retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city. 改造前 ![]() 在孩子的眼里,家很小,小到可以在自己的卧室里待一整天。床,也成了一个小小的房子,萌萌的木架之间,家的概念就此形成。夜晚群星闪烁,一同陪伴宝贝的,还有长颈鹿小姐~ In the eyes of a child, a home is small enough to spend a whole day in his or her bedroom. Bed, also became a small house, between the wooden frame of bud meng, the concept of the home forms at this point. At night, the stars shine and miss Giraffe accompanies the baby. 改造前 ![]() ![]() 沉寂暗色调成就了这个适合一个人放空自己冥想的私密空间 ,保持着不易被人打扰的独立。 The display ark with hollow-out on one side wall and store content ark are united in wedlock at will, reflecting the clever sex of dimensional art. Store content ark is hidden turn over board bed, who says aesthetic feeling and practical cannot have concurrently! Silence and dark tones make this private space suitable for a person to empty himself and meditate, maintaining independence that is not easily disturbed by others. 东出的自然光刚好照进阳台,给予空间温暖的触感,秩序谨然又不失温度。 The natural light from the east just shines into the balcony, giving the space a warm feeling of touch, and keeping the order without losing the temperature. Layout plan