JULIE DESIGN LAB Julie Design Lab Trouvaille Area: 164 sq.m Design Firm: Julie Design Lab Location: HangZhou / TiaoXiYiHao Give space to life, romance in every moment - LIVING ROOM 喧嚣的城市中,人们逐渐对生活有更高的认知和追求。将设计融入生活,把自然光与影的感受与色彩人文气息结合,为居住者带来电影场景般的空间情绪体验。 In the noisy city, people gradually have a higher understanding and pursuit of life. Integrating design into life, combining the feeling of natural light and shadow with the color and humanistic flavor, it brings the space emotional experience like a movie scene for the residents. 宽阔明净的客厅空间,墨绿色的绒布单人沙发与经典千鸟格纹脚凳遥遥相对,地面是浅灰色绒面地毯,不同的色彩搭配到一起,深沉而优雅。 The living room is spacious and clean. The dark green flannel sofa is opposite to the rectangular stool with thousand bird check pattern. The ground is light gray flannel carpet. Different colors are combined together, deep and elegant. 米灰色墙纸搭配同色系木饰面,与客厅抽象的挂画相呼应,随着光影变化,让空间更具沉稳。造型简洁的金属落地灯与黑金高低茶几组合搭配在浅灰色绒布沙发旁,也更加嵌入了轻奢风的韵味。 Light beige background wall with simple lines, and the living room Abstract hanging painting want to echo, with the light and shadow changes, let the space more calm. The combination of simple metal floor lamp and black gold high and low tea table is next to the light gray flannel sofa, which also embeds the charm of light luxury style. 入户玄关处,黑与金拼接配色的玄关柜在或深或浅的挂画下,呈现出轻奢复古的气质,瞬间点明了空间的调性。 Entering the porch, the black and gold color matching porch cabinet in the deep or shallow hanging painting, showing a light luxury retro temperament, immediately points out the spatial tonality. - DINING ROOM & KITCHEN 开放式的客餐厅格局,一副强烈的几何色块挂画映入眼帘,硬朗造型中透露着复古、时髦的气质。 Open office, simple, natural, no complex decoration, simple color and strong sense of line design, simple feeling can create a very textured space. 天然大理石与金属相结合的餐桌,糅合细腻的复古工业风,另外搭配与客厅相呼应的墨绿色餐椅,在自然光影的氛围下很有电影画面感,仪式感十足。 In addition, it should be a combination of the natural atmosphere of the dining room and the dining room chair, which is very delicate and natural, and the dining table should be combined with the natural atmosphere of the living room. - LIVING ROOM ![]() 主卧墙面缀以线条简洁装饰,再搭配雾霾蓝的床充盈整个空间,恰到好处的艺术格调,尽显空间精致。在夜晚,将两个精致小巧的壁灯点亮,缓缓重塑着空间的温柔。 The wall of the master bedroom is decorated with simple lines, and then the bed with haze blue fills the whole space. The artistic style is just right and the space is exquisite. In the night, two exquisite and small wall lamps will be lit, slowly reshaping the tenderness of the space. ![]() ![]() ![]() 黑金搭配的元素又贯通在床头柜和梳妆台上,通过对比增强暗调空间的层次和明亮度。 The elements of black gold match are connected to the bedside cabinet and dresser table, and the level and brightness of the dark space are enhanced by contrast. - THE SACOND ROOM ![]() 次卧回归质朴文艺的复古基调,用牛油果绿打造一个舒适放松的睡眠空间。米灰色条纹床点缀焦糖色床品,加上床头有趣的复古台灯,充分体现细节的精致。 The second bedroom returns to the retro tone of simple literature and art, and creates a comfortable and relaxed sleeping space with dark green. White stripe bed embellishment yellow brown bed goods, coupled with interesting retro table lamp at the head of the bed, fully reflects the delicacy of details. ![]() ![]() ![]() - DAUGHTER'S ROOM 女儿房的墙面以奶茶色为主调,搭配桃粉色床和同色系的窗帘,浓郁的色调也要有恰到好处的明度关系,配上可爱的花型抱枕,温馨梦幻。 The main tone of the daughter's room is the light gray earth color, with peach pink bed and curtains of the same color. The rich color should also have the right lightness relationship. With the lovely flower type pillow, it is warm and dreamy. - READING ROOM ![]() ![]() - SHE SAYS: "未知的世界总是很值得期待,因为有你们使我能感受到期待的美好。 感谢JULIE团队,特别感谢我亲爱的叶,有优秀的沟通能力和表达能力,优秀的作品是具有生命力的,处处流露着对细节的把控,并清晰地阐述自己的设计理念。 对于最后的落地非常满意,事实证明相互信任真的是事半功倍。” 项目地址 | 苕溪壹号 · 杭州临安 项目面积 | 164 ㎡ 项目性质 | 整体软配设计 设计公司 | JULIE软装设计 主案设计 | 潘叶 项目摄影 | 林峰 |
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