ANDING ▲曾经,一代精英层随着中国经济腾飞变得富有,继而追随华丽丽的西方空间艺术潮,用以彰显自我价值。 ▲Once, a generation of elites got rich as China's economy took off, then followed the flowery Western space art trend to show their self-worth. ▼客厅-Living Room 父母给的那是背景,自己打下来的才叫江山。业主白手起家,所拥有的都是靠自己一步一步脚踏实地实现的。 Parents that is the background of their own down is called the kingdom. The owner started from scratch, and everything he owned was Down to Earth by himself. ▼主卧-Master Bedroom 法式家居风格的这些元素也正好迎合了时下的文化资产者对生活方式的需求,即有文化感、有贵气感,还不能缺乏自在感与情调感。 These elements of French style of home just meet the current cultural assets of the lifestyle needs, that is: a sense of culture, a sense of nobility, but also can not lack of ease and emotional feeling. ▼次卧-Second Decubitus ▼餐厅-Dining room 别致的艺术品的点缀下,整个居家充满当代法式的浪漫。目光所及,亦能感受到红酒浓厚的醇香。 The whole house is filled with the Romance of contemporary French style under the ornament of chic artwork. As far as the eye can see, the wine is full-bodied and full-bodied. ▼办公区域-Office area 办公区域的设计既满足了日常办公需求,又彰显了业主身份的尊贵。The design of the office area not only meets the needs of daily work, but also shows the dignity of the owner. ▼休闲区域-Leisure area 项目地点 | 福州 项目名称 | 大儒世家归壹墅 项目面积 | 980㎡ 设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司 福建安定空间设计有限公司创立于2016年,致力于室内空间规划设计及施工,专注于高端住宅空间,商业空间、办公空间设计与施工服务。在“一切让客户安心”的理念下,用最专业的设计及服务,为客户提供最满意安心的作品。以安定空间设计研究所为管理核心和创意源泉,打造有家装、公装、软装、园林三大业务板块,为广大客户带来高品质、专业化、精细化的整装服务。 |
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