安定案例 | “叠”变与重生 将空间定义为雅致



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本帖最后由 安定空间设计 于 2021-1-1 11:59 编辑


玄关同样采用背景线条来提升空间的纵深感,T型置物台,增加了足够的置物空间。顶灯与台面灯,不仅为空间补充了照明,更为空间带来优雅静谧的氛围。The porch also uses the background line to enhance the vertical depth of the space. The T-shaped storage platform adds enough storage space. Ceiling lamp and table lamp not only add lighting to the space, but also bring elegant and quiet atmosphere to the space.

极简白是空间主色,白不等于无,纯白是意趣的留白,整体空间多处采用了条形装饰来增加空间向上的纵深感。Minimalist white is the main color of the space, white is not equal to nothing, pure white is the blank of interest. Strip decoration is used in many parts of the overall space to increase the vertical depth of the space.

玄关区将空间一分为二,餐厅及休闲区,开放式餐厅,以吧台界面为线。橙色与绿色的加入使空间更加活跃。The porch area divides the space into two parts, restaurant and leisure area, open restaurant, with the bar interface as the line. The addition of orange and green makes the space more active.

茶室背景结合线条的拉伸,也少不了收纳,茶台简而不单,绿色植物与橙色圆椅调和与灰白间,化解了空间的轻重感。The background of the teahouse is combined with the stretching of the lines, which cant be ignored. The tea table is simple but not simple. The green plants and orange round chairs are mixed with the gray and white, which dissolves the sense of space.

叠加的层次感,背景墙以线条落地,与空间有机结合,使得整个卧室空间更具立体感。The superimposed sense of hierarchy, the background wall landing with lines, and the organic combination of space, make the whole bedroom space more three-dimensional.

项目地点 | 福州

项目名称 | 恒力博纳
项目面积 | 258㎡
设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司




安定案例 | “叠”变与重生 将空间定义为雅致
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