Noa Santos 纽约当代精致设计



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NAINOA Interior 是一家位于纽约的室内设计工作室,由创始人Noa Santos成立于2020年。Noa Santos曾在2012年与合伙人Will Nathan创立了设计事务所Homepolish。NAINOA工作室是一个由倾听者、问题解决者和创意思辨者组成的团队,他们决心为每一位客户打造真正独特的空间。
Nainoa Interior is a New York-based Interior design studio founded in 2020 by founder Noa Santos. Noa Santos previously founded the design firm Homepolish with partner Will Nathan in 2012. Studio Nainoa is a team of listeners, problem solvers and creative thinkers who are determined to create a truly unique space for each client.
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Noa Santos出生于夏威夷,毕业于斯坦福大学建筑与商业专业,在一家高端住宅室内设计公司开始了自己的设计生涯,并在纽约市的精英阶层中留下了自己的印记。作为一名室内设计师,Noa Santos在设计领域拥有丰富的经验。
Noa Santos is a graduate of architecture and business at Stanford University. Born in Hawaii, he started his design career at a high-end residential interior design firm and left his mark on the elite of New York City. As an interior designer, Noa Santos has extensive experience in the field of design.
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The studio is designed without self-awareness and strives to build meaningful and lasting relationships with clients -- relationships based on trust, open communication and mutual respect. And they believe that design is more than just beautifully decorated Spaces. Building a home can and should be a life-changing experience that teaches people not only what they like, but how they want to live.

NAINOA 坚信作为设计师,他们有责任帮助客户,倾听他们的需求,发现他们与众不同的地方,最后,帮助将这些独特的品质转化为独特的空间。无论项目是纯粹的装饰还是全面的室内外改造,工作室都为设计的美学和规划学科带来了独特的可接近、有组织和谦逊的品质。
NAINOA believes that as designers, they have a responsibility to help their clients, to listen to their needs, to discover what makes them different, and, finally, to help translate these unique qualities into unique Spaces. Whether the project is purely decorative or a full-scale interior and exterior renovation, The Studio brings a uniquely accessible, organized and humble quality to the aesthetic and planning disciplines of design.

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Noa Santos 纽约当代精致设计
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