复古的物件 浓郁的色彩 碰撞出生活的质感 成为视觉上的艺术 Vintage objects Rich colour Collision gives the texture of life Become a visual art 阳光穿梭于微隙的气息,舒畅、漫长 The breath of sunshine shuttling through the tiny gap is comfortable and long 与其说“复古”是一种风格,不如说“复古”是一种生活态度,对美的一种表达方式。它既是一种元素,也是一种独特气质的具体呈现。在本案例的设计过程中,坚持贯彻:只要是美的东西,我们尽力去尝试将其混搭在一起,不断寻求其中的平衡、和谐,并找到贴近且属于屋主独有的居住特点。 复古元素融入空间,运用金色质感材质加以点缀,营造出高雅的、灵动的画面氛围。 Retro elements into the space, the use of gold texture material to be embellished, creating an elegant, clever picture atmosphere. 整齐有序的物件陈列映衬出屋主精致的生活状态,深蓝、深绿色的抱枕与浅色的布艺沙发在色相与明度上交相呼应,并形成冷暖色系对比,仿佛油画里的笔触,和谐、宁静。 The neat and orderly thing displays set off a house to give delicate living condition, the cloth art sofa of deep blue, dark green holding pillow and light color hands in photograph and lightness to hand in photograph echo, form change in temperature color department contrast, as if the brush in oil painting, harmony, halcyon. 阳光越是强烈的地方,影子就越深邃。疏影之间,跃动起伏,有诗意、有内涵。 The stronger the sunlight, the deeper the shadow. Between thin shadow, jump ups and downs, there is poetry, there is connotation. 金色质感的衣柜把手、金色质感元素的台灯、油画装饰画与棕黄色床品进行组合搭配,格外的惬意。挂在柜门前方的衣服也成为了画面中装饰的一部分,自然、随性。 The wardrobe handle with golden texture, the desk lamp with golden texture elements, the oil painting decoration and the brown yellow bedding are combined and matched, which are particularly comfortable. The clothes hanging in front of the cabinet door also became a part of the decoration in the picture, natural and casual. 柔和的暖色系搭配,阳光透过轻盈的纱帘洒进,明亮、温暖。 Soft warm color collocation, sunlight through the light gauze curtain sprinkled into, bright, warm. ▲平面布局图 layout plan Project Information 项目坐标 | Location 四川 成都 项目面积 | Square Meters 110㎡ 风格定位 | Style 混 搭 项目类型 | Property 私 宅 设计机构 | Studio 予以设计 完工时间 | Completion Time 2019 更多内容请关注 微信公众号:YU-YI-DESIGN 电话:18848350551 QQ:2627800448 微信:YU-YI-DESIGN 微博:予以设计 地址:成都市高新区盛安街401号天合凯旋南城1栋B座1513号(铁象寺水街旁) 高德地图、腾讯地图、百度地图直接输入“予以设计”导航可以到达 |