![]() 不要根据记忆重塑梦境, 统统想像出全新的场景。 —克里斯托弗·诺兰《盗梦空间》 Never recreate places from your memory. Always imagine new places! —Christopher Nolan Inception 01 / 关于空间的逻辑 About the logic of space E-TOP——鹰拓科技,作为科技企业里的佼佼者,服务对象主要为亚马逊等全球电商巨头。本次与E-TOP的深度合作,旨在通过对企业文化的深层次挖掘,最大限度激发企业精神的内核驱动。 设计师运用企业形象的具象要素和未来办公空间的个性化表达,在科技硬朗理性与空间韵律感性的平衡中,寻觅和谐统一。既要体现艺术性与现实性,也要具有前瞻性与可持续性,这既是身为设计方的责任,也是体现企业价值和使命感的完美表达。 E-TOP, the leader among technology enterprises, mainly serves Amazon and other global e-commerce tycoons. This time, the significance of the in-depth cooperation with E-TOP is to stimulate the core driving force of the enterprise spirit by excavating the enterprise culture. The designer pays attention on the concrete elements of the enterprise image as well as the personalized expression of future office space, and seeks harmony and unity by keeping balance between perception, the beauty of space; and rationality, the strictness of technology. The design should not only express the sense of artistry and reality, but also be futuristic and sustainable, which is not only the responsibility of the designer, but also the expression of mission and value of the enterprise. ![]() ![]() 整个空间,以“扬帆起航”为设计轴心,体现“鹰拓”精神,为展望未来插上翅膀。色彩上选用黑、白、灰、蓝等科技色,打造冷静思考、理性分析的办公空间。同时,通过灯光、多维度科技元素等的共融,展现企业对科技与艺术融合的接纳与创新。 科技持续领跑,想象释放无限未来。 The core design spirit of the space is “Setting Sail”, indicating the dream of exploration and looking ahead, which indicates the character of E-TOP. In terms of color selection, the design uses black, white, gray, blue, etc., which represent science and technology, to create office place that encourage people to think and analysis calmly and rationally. Also, it shows the inclusive and innovative attitude of the enterprise by integrating the lighting and multi-dimensional scientific and technological elements. Leading technology, unlimited imagination, and infinite future. plan | 平面图▽ 02 / 空间实景 Space scene ![]() “扬帆起航”的设计造型,奠定了整体设计基调与企业文化精神内涵。不规则的造型叠搭,层层递进,是迈步未来,步履不停。以多层次的光源,不规则地折射出科技感,如梦似真,五感体验立体呈现,幻化出未来的可变性与无限性。 The design style of "Setting Sail" has laid the foundation of the overall design tone and the spiritual connotation of corporate culture. Irregular shapes are stacked and progressive, which means stepping into the future without stopping. With multi-level light sources, the sense of science and technology is irregularly reflected, like a dream, and the five senses experience three-dimensional presentation, which conjures up the variability and infinity of the future. ![]() ![]() 将“E-TOP”的企业元素放大彰显,一镜到底。既有直观的实体展现,亦有镜面反射和科技灯光组合出的虚幻映像,有实有虚,虚实结合,虚实相生,这是空间的科技技能与未来张力的共同呈现。 The design enlarges and highlights the enterprise elements of E-TOP. There is not only direct physical display inside the space, but also illusory and imaginative images created by the reflection of mirrors and the sci-fi lighting. The combination of reality and virtuality shows the scientific function and futuristic tension of the space. ![]() ![]() ![]() 黑色的造型雕塑,似旋转的陀螺,旋转的轴线是科技的脉络,方向是未来的引领;又似限时开启的时光机,随时准备赴一场异时空之约。 Black sculpture is like a rotating gyro, and the axis of rotation is like the vein of science and technology, guiding to the direction of the future; It also seems to be like a time machine that opens in a limited time, ready to go into a different time and space. ![]() 光是宇宙星河的序列组合,空间是飞船亦或空间站的梦幻造型。银灰色的墙体肌理,将这种未来感无限放大。一秒的放空,境由心生,分不清是梦境还是现实,整个场域未来感爆棚。 Light represents the sequence combination of the Milky Way in the universe, and space the dream shape of spacecraft or space station. The silver-gray wall texture infinitely magnifies this sense of the future. Empty one’s own mind in one second, and feel the space from the bottom of one’s heart. It is hard to tell whether it is a dream or a reality, and the whole field is filled with a sense of future. 跟异时空的外星人有场约会,好奇心与想象力是科技的趣味,从而激活互动与体验。灵动的氛围是科技与艺术的碰撞,视野与精神一同营造。 Why not having a date with aliens in different time and space? Curiosity and imagination are the interests of science and technology, thus activating ways of interaction and experience. Smart atmosphere is the collision between technology and art, which simultaneously creates vision and spirit. 是太空舱还会办公室?是潜水艇还是工作区?科技蓝是现代科技审美的最好诠释,调和了空间的冷硬,科幻感十足,打破空间想象,实现了职场人一直渴望的精神自由。新科技时尚的塑造,每个人都参与其中。 Is it a capsule or an office? Is it a submarine or a work area? The “sci-fi” blue is the best interpretation of modern science and technology aesthetics, which harmonizes the coldness of space, breaks the imagination of space, and realizes the spiritual freedom that people in the workplace have been longing for. Everyone is involved in shaping the fashion of new technology. 白色体块的层叠,仿佛进入了异次元的冰河世界。静谧与神秘放大了空间想象,开拓了全新的空间视场。在科技的岩壁攀岩冒险,是科技人对未来的不懈追求。 The stacking of white blocks makes people feel like they have entered the ice world of different dimensions. The silence and mystery of the space enlarges the imagination, and opens up a new field of view of space. Adventure in rock climbing of science and technology is the unremitting pursuit to the future by scientists and technicians. 每一处视窗造型各不相同,或隐藏对称美学,或放大空间观感,但都从不同角度实现了对光的“渴望”。通透的视野保证了开放体验的仪式感,仿佛漫步云端,直达云海,通向未来的道路拥有了无限可能。 Each window has different shapes, either hiding symmetry aesthetics or enlarging space perception, but they all satisfy their "desire" for light. Transparent vision ensures the ritual feeling of open experience, as if people are walking through the clouds and reaching the sea of clouds, and the road to the future has infinite possibilities. 设计师介绍 林澍彬 荣誉奖项 2020年法国双面神银奖 2020华鼎奖年度中国室内设计杰出青年 2020年伦敦地产设计奖 2020 IAI全球设计奖铜奖 2020年亚洲设计奖优胜奖 2021年CBDA设计奖银奖 2020年包豪斯设计奖铜奖 2020年伯鲁比空间魔法师设计奖空间魔法师奖 2020年艾鼎奖 FRENCH GPDP INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD 2020 CHINA INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DECORATION AND DESIGN ART FAIR HONORARY CREDENTIAL AWARD 2020 OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON 2020 IAI INTERIOR AWARD 2020 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE 2021 CHINA BUIDING DECORATION ASSOCIATION DESIGN AWARD 2021 SILVER THE SIXTH BAUHAUS AWARD INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION AWARD2020 BRONZE ASIA PACIFIC DESIGN CENTER SPACE WIZARDS AWARD 2020 I-DING INTERIOR DESIGN AWARD 2020 关于我们 寰晤设计顾问有限公司(简称HW STUDIO),在厦门正式创立于2017年,2020年在英国伦敦创立了分支,是一家致力于全国以及境外的多元化的新锐研究型设计咨询公司。 我们有幸在世界上的其他国家践行着寰晤的设计理念,“INTERIORS INSPIRED BY INNOVATION 灵感源于创新”。东方文化或西方标准,以品质与创新作为设计核心;关注未来趋势、文化背景、生活方式、环境关联等多个维度进行思考与创作,HW致力于为客户提供高标准的创意,深入空间内涵,展现地域文化精髓、满足客户对项目的期待。 寰晤设计顾问提供至高水准的个性化定制设计及全案托管服务,包括但不仅限于:1. 建筑设计 2. 景观设计 3. 室内设计(含软装设计)4.视觉图形设计; 其中,室内设计深入领域包括:① 商业空间:包含旅游度假区、星级及主题酒店、办公楼、特色商业空间、文博类建筑等;② 居住空间:包含公寓、平层、别墅等住宅; 放眼全球,和HW STUDIO一起创造美学空间,完成项目市场价值、呈现其社会影响,探索空间的更多可能。 HuanWu Intl. Design & Consultant Co., Ltd. (HW STUDIO), formally founded in 2017, is a diversified avant research-based design consulting company based in Xiamen(China) and London(UK), whose business covers the whole country and overseas. Currently working on projects in many countries, HW STUDIO focuses on the quality and innovation of each project as the core of the design no matter your requirement is apt to eastern culture or western standard. Looking beyond the future trend, cultural background, lifestyle, environment relevance and other dimensions of thinking and creation, HW STUDIO is always committed to providing high standard creation for customers, as well as going deep into the space intentions to present the essence of local cultural and achieve project expectation. HW STUDIO provides high standard custom personalized design and full case hosting service including but not limited to the following, architect design, landscape design and interior design. The in-depth areas of interior design covers many kinds of commercial space such as tourist resort, four-star/five-star/theme hotel, office building, unique commercial space, cultural building,etc. While residential space includes apartment, flat and villa,etc. We invite you to create aesthetic space with us globally to accomplish the market value and social impact of the project. Let's explore more possibilities of space together. |
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