在新旧交接之际,用设计翻转未来 在蕞尔之地,开启无限想像。 立足时代转折,用设计翻转未来。 象徵希望的暖橙色,瞬间点亮空间。 潮来潮往,人才汇聚。 向宇宙许愿,让梦想成真。 Flipping into the future through design in the transition between the old and the new. Infinite imagination sets foot in a small finite area. Design flips into the future at the pivot point of time. Warm tangerine color, which symbolize hope, sparks up the space in an instant. Talents gather to make a wish into the universe in the hope that dreams may come true. 与美好生活相遇 汲一方水土之最。 让应许之地,承载希望。 光影流动,绿意蔓延。 筑梦踏实,美好生活尽在眼前。 Encountering a Beautiful Life Gathering the purest water and soil in one location, and let hope follows the light and shadow along the greenery into actualization, where one can 座落地点:广东省 空间坪数:700坪 主要建材:微水泥、水磨石磁砖、烤漆、镜面不锈钢、岩板、BOLON 设计团队:森境设计/王俊宏、黎荣亮、周泉、李冠豪、王高进、王秋云、黄振烘、黄观武 摄影:KPS/游宏祥 |