让生活融合在自然中才是住宅的本质 ——安藤忠雄 - HOUSE - 赵小姐的糖果屋 地址|Address : 绿城紫薇园 面积|Area :199㎡ 设计|Design : 淄博八零原创设计 施工|Road Work : 八零匠心工程 软装|Soft Outfit : 花花HOME软装 摄影|Photography :韩尚辰 前言 自然 优雅 童趣 在如此快节奏的现代生活中,设计师要通过设计来为人们创造治愈系的精神家园,抚慰当代人坚硬而又脆弱的玻璃心。本着这个原则,设计师在本案设计的元素采取中,采用了大量的木色-温润、舒适、自然。唯有自然,才能安慰心灵。 In such a fast-paced modern life, our designers should create a spiritual home for people through design and comfort the hard and fragile glass heart of contemporary people. Based on this principle, I adopted a large number of wood colors in the design elements of this case. Warm, comfortable and natural. Only nature can comfort the soul. 在功能规划方面,由于原始户型的承重墙结构的限制,所以并没有做太多的改动;整个设计的重点以及核心都放在了整体空间氛围的营造上。 In terms of functional planning, due to the limitation of the load-bearing wall structure of the original house type, there are not many changes. The focus and core of the whole design are on the construction of the overall space atmosphere. Entrance- 玄 关 是 转 换 心 情 的 场 所。 The Entrance is a place to change your mood. 玄关视角 回到家后,迎接你的是家人目光里 那平淡却又温情的关爱。 When you get home,you are greeted by the plain but warm love in the eyes of your family. Restaurant- 没有华丽的伪装,只有静谧的优雅。 There is no gorgeous disguise, only quiet elegance. 设计师将树木、归鸟、落阳等元素加入进来,搭配木色背景,让整个空间活灵活现,使人仿佛置身于自然之中。 The designer adds elements such as trees, birds and the setting sun, and matches the wood color background to make the whole space vivid and make people seem to be in nature. 值得一提的是:餐厅采用的是极具柔光效果的香格里拉百叶帘,自然过滤光杂质,将整体空间视觉感柔化,如雾,如凝脂。 What is most worth mentioning is that the restaurant adopts Shangri La shutter with extremely soft light effect, which naturally filters impurities and softens the visual sense of the overall space, such as fog and grease. 落日余晖、树影婆娑, 美、不可言喻。 The setting sun was shining and the trees were dancing.Beauty is unspeakable. Living room- 有人爱、有事做、有所期待, 生活如糖 甜而不腻。 Some people love to do something and have expectations. Life is sweet but not greasy. ![]() 沙发如同糖果块,可以整整齐齐, 也可以随心所欲。 The sofa is like a candy bar. It can be neat or at will 椅子也会微笑,因为空气很甜。【微笑大师椅】 The chair will smile because the air is sweet. 自然 自由 自我 ![]() ![]() ![]() 初相见,便被整个家居空间散发出的宁静魅力吸引,木质、皮革、大面积色块烘托出静谧的磁场。 When we first met, we were attracted by the quiet charm of the whole home space, and the quiet magnetic field was set off by wood, leather and large-area color blocks. ![]() ![]() ![]() 在部分墙面,采用了水泥的元素,与木色搭配,比较完美地调和了整个空间的味道。 In some walls, cement elements are used to match with wood color, which perfectly reconciles the taste of the whole space. ![]() 树木与飞鸟,为家注满生命力,向上与饱满的姿态,滋养着这座居身之所,肉体与灵魂都得到失重感般的舒缓。 Trees and birds fill the home with vitality, and the upward and full posture nourishes the residence. The body and soul are relieved like a sense of weightlessness. Master bedroom- 一针一线 柔软 安眠 A single needle or a piece of thread. Soft Sleep peacefully. 大地色铺垫的环境 让人的心灵沉淀 ;暮色中 温柔地对枕边的爱人说一声 :晚安。 The earth colored environment makes people's hearts precipitate. Gently say good night to the lover beside the pillow. - LAYOUT - 户型解析 原始户型布局 优化后户型布局 2021年,新家圆满落成,这一次的筑家之旅到此告一段落。祝愿屋主一家在新房的生活美满依旧,筑家有期,幸福无期,十分荣幸陪您走完筑家旅程,感恩信任,必不负所托。 - Brand List - 物品清单 沙发茶几:锐驰RUBIX 餐厅全系:锐驰RUBIX 卧室床具:锐驰RUBIX 主要灯具:西顿 全屋定制:八零原创定制中心