Hillside,以“山”为名的威士忌餐吧,就像一个维度进入新的界面,一切充满未知与惊喜,这是一个触碰得到的未来。 Hillside, the whisky bar named"Hill", is like entering a new interface from one dimension, which isfull of unknowns and surprises; this is a bar where you can feel the future. Profile/Memory 概况/记忆 Hillside,坐落于深圳蛇口的半山区,定义为威士忌酒配新潮餐饮的多元化酒吧。交互融合的食文化及形意不拘一格的空间似乎在触碰一个可以被感知的梦想。 在这里,空间边界是模糊的,如电影的虚拟世界,一种带有未知的物质表象,同时它也具有叙事性,可以通过空间来串联和联系知或未知的事件,这是一个戏剧化的场景。 Hillside, located in themid-levels of Shekou, Shenzhen, is a diversified bar that combines whiskey withnew trendy dining. The interactive food culture and eclectic space seem to makepeople touch a dream that can be felt. Here, the space boundaryis blurred, like the virtual world of a movie; this is a materialrepresentation with unknown and narrative at the same time, which can connectand connect known or unknown events through space; this is a dramatic scene. ![]() ![]() ![]() 01 Spatial Form | Deconstructionism 形态| 解构主义 场景空间由一层半的架构关系组成,DDID鼎点设计团队希望用一横一竖的网格线建构整个空间设计的主题,表现出现实与虚幻之间的关联性,从而彰显物象张力。线条的延伸与交织,以一种不规则的空间形态出现,像自然围合与掏空,挑战人们既定的建筑价值观和被捆缚的想象力。 The scene space is composed ofone-and-a-half layers of architectural relationships; the DDID design teamhopes to construct the theme of the entire space design through a horizontaland vertical grid line, which shows the relationship between reality andillusion, and thus highlights the tension of the object. ![]() ![]() ![]() 02 Enjoyment|Object Emoticons 趣味 | 物象表情 刚与柔,热烈与璞实,宁静与奔放,于此达之平衡。 中世纪的罗马武士摆件对于空间而言,是营造视觉记忆的第一触点。其厚重的流线型体与水晶砖作为空间光影形态的衬托,表现的是冷酷与温度的和谐,与并将幽默、神秘以及梦想等元素融入空间的建造体系中。 Rigidity and softness,warmth and simplicity, as well as tranquility and unrestrainedness, are allbalanced here. Theornaments depicting the Roman warriors in the Middle Ages are the first touchpoint of creating visual memory for space. The heavy streamlined body of theornaments and the crystal tiles serve as a foil to the light and shadow form ofthe space, which expresses the harmony of coldness and temperature, andintegrates humor, mystery and dreams into the construction system of the space. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 03 Light | Infinite Possibilities 光 | 无限可能 “山有小口,仿佛若有光,复行数十步,豁然开朗。”初步入场景,曲折蜿蜒,砖墙分隔,光影渗透,从而营造神秘感,引人遐想。 光,如同一支绘画的笔,它能勾勒出硬朗与柔和的线条,暗系场景氛围的营造,让光点亮的地方成为主角。 明与暗,虚与实,呼吸式流转,从不同时段来品酒或用餐,景与境皆不尽相同。不同层次的明暗转换给予内心情绪的释放和强烈的自我属性,让舒缓自由的体验感贯穿始终。 "There is a smallhole in the Hill as if there is light; if you go back dozens of steps, you willsuddenly enlightened." When you first step in the scene, the windingpassages are separated by brick walls, and the light and shadow penetrate, thuscreating a sense of mystery and fascinating imagination. Light is like a painting pen that canoutline tough and soft lines; the atmosphere created by the dark scene makesthe place illuminated by the light become the protagonist. With brightness anddarkness, virtuality and reality, breathing circulation, you can taste wine ordine at different times while enjoying different scenery and environment. Different levels of light and darkcirculation can give you the release of inner emotions and a strongself-attribute, and let you feel relieved and free to experience throughout. 线条在光影中穿梭,以沉浸式的情感体验为输出模式,进而影响和控制整个空间的光影和调性氛围。随着不可预知性,通过不同角度的玻璃反射而释放出来的光影图像不断地在切换和变化,释放出不同维度的空间感受和不断转变着的空间秩序。 The lines shuttle in thelight and shadow, and use immersive emotional experience as the output mode,which in turn influences and controls the light and shadow and the tonalatmosphere of the entire space. With the unpredictability, the light and shadowimages released by the reflection of different angles of glass are constantlyswitching and changing, which releases different dimensions of space experienceand the constantly changing order of space. 沙发区背景使用了时尚并重的深灰色波浪板,背光在线条中慢慢浸润,为空间赋予梦幻般的情绪碎片。品酒就餐区与公区在光影的分隔下,更加凸显了该区域的静谧。 For the background of the sofa area, astylish dark gray wave board is used, and the background light is slowlyinfiltrated in the lines, which gives the space a dreamlike emotional fragment.Under the separation of light and shadow, the tranquility of the area is moreprominent in the wine tasting and dining areas and public areas. 04 Dream | Dimension 梦幻 | 维度 玻璃屏风的线体装置体块组合起到扩张和吸纳的功能,增加空间自身积聚的张力和释放暗含的光热能量,在天花镜面的倒影下,释放出更多彩更美妙的空间感受和不断切换着的空间秩序,从而又在纵向维度上把空间扩大了一倍,如此让整个空间像梦境一样无界。DDID鼎点设计团队希望客人能够感受到置身在梦境之中,扑朔迷离,形成独特的空间体验。 The combined display ofthe linear device body block of the glass screen plays the function ofexpansion and absorption; the tension accumulated in the space itself isincreased and the implicit light and heat energy is released; under thereflection of the ceiling mirror, more colorful and more beautiful spacefeelings are released and the space order is constantly switching; as a result,the space is doubled in the vertical dimension, so that the entire space is asendless as a dream. The DDID design team hopes that guests can bein a dreamland and enjoy the confusing and unique space experience. 勒空间的线条在互相中重叠交错,虚实结合,通过天花的镜面材质减弱了该区域的压迫感同时让空间增强了虚幻性和灵动性。 The lines delineating thespace overlap each other, and the virtuality and reality are combined; themirror material of the ceiling not only reduces the oppression of the area, butalso enhances the illusion and agility of the space. 项目名称 | Hillside畔山威士忌餐吧 项目地点 | 深圳蛇口沿山路3号 室内设计 | 深圳市鼎点室内设计有限公司 主笔设计 | 罗淞元 设计团队 | 赵刚华、胡杨、刘子健、陈明辉 项目摄影 | 保罗 建筑面积 | 150㎡ 完工时间 | 2021年5月 主要材料 | 水晶砖、不锈钢、木饰面、波浪板、艺术玻璃 Project Name | Hillside WhiskeyBar Project Location | No. 3,Yanshan Road, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Interior Design Enterprise | ShenzhenDDID Design Co., Ltd. Project Designer | Luo Songyuan Design Team | Zhao Ganghua, HuYang, Liu Zijian, Chen Minghui Project Photographer | Paul Building Area | 150㎡ Completion Time | May 2021 Materials | Crystal tiles,stainless steel, wood veneer, wave board, art glass 设计师罗淞元 DDID鼎点设计总监/高级室内设计师,坚持从理解产品核心特性出发,以研究的态度做设计,透过空间结构而延展到灯光与色彩分析,善于打造具有时间延伸性的空间作品。 荣誉奖项: 1.2020年获IDCF中国国际室内设计文化节暨年度影响力大奖丨商业空间 2.2020年获广州设计周丨最美艺术空间设计 3.2020年获第三届红创奖丨银奖 4.2020年获金堂奖丨年度杰出休闲娱乐空间设计 5. 2019年获广州设计周丨红棉奖·2019室内设计奖 6.2019年获“第九届中国国际空间设计大赛(中国建筑装饰设计奖)丨组委会提名奖 7.2019年获“第九届入围国际空间设计大奖艾特奖IDEA-TOPS丨最佳商业空间设计奖 8.2018年获“第十三届金外滩The goldenbund award ceremony丨优秀设计奖 9.2017年获第七届作品入围国际空间设计大奖”艾特奖丨IDEA-TOPS丨最佳居住空间设计奖 DDID鼎点室内设计(深圳)是一家以空间表达信仰,以空间关注灵魂、以永恒灵性做为精神追求之主体,注重文化的延续和艺术境界的传达,充分尊重人与空间关系及精神层面的创意型设计公司。 设计业务涵盖商业/会所/餐饮/办公空间等领域,秉承“以人为本”的设计理念,追求人/空间/自然的平衡,结合品牌/商业/人群及定位需求,为客户提供全方位和定制化的解决方案。 |
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