正在拼命工作的你 可曾有片刻的时间幻想 在更好的办公环境里 遇见更好的自己 You are working hard Have you ever had a moment of fantasy In a better office environment Meet a better self 这个时代正迎来办公设计革新潮流,个性化的办公空间成为都市白领的新宠。办公室的设计之初,设计师本着抛开一切华而不实的装饰,保留建筑最直观的空间属性,迎来欧诺ONUO的蜕变和新生。 This era is ushering in the trend of office design innovation, and personalized office space has become the new favorite of urban white-collar workers. At the beginning of the office design, the designer welcomed the transformation and rebirth of Ono onuo by putting aside all flashy decoration and retaining the most intuitive spatial attribute of the building. 室内的构造被大胆的裸露出来,原有的粗砺混凝土立柱、精致硬朗的壁灯,缓和了办公的严肃感,也为来访的客人营造轻松舒缓的对话氛围。 The construction of the room was boldly exposed, and the original thick concrete columns and exquisite hard wall lamps eased the sense of seriousness of the office and created a relaxed atmosphere for the visitors. “人类必须为其软弱的身躯补充许多人造的东西。那便是灵魂,而灵魂的本质则处处体现着群体生活的需要”。——阿德勒 "Human beings must add many man-made things to their weak body. That is the soul, and the essence of the soul everywhere reflects the needs of group life."—— Adler 办公+商业 留白+自然 群策群力的博弈 立体空间的神秘 在这里,遇见更好的你 是灵魂里的“蜕变”+“升华” Office + business Blank + natural Game of teamwork The mystery of three-dimensional space Here, meet better you Is the "transformation" + "sublimation" in the soul 办公空间作为一种生活工作的一部分已经完全演变成为一种时尚需求,当代年轻人越来越在意工作场所的效率和舒适性. As a part of life and work, office space has completely evolved into a fashion demand. Contemporary young people are more and more concerned about the efficiency and comfort of the workplace. 相比已经超越了固态办公形式的开端,如今未来性办公空间已成为增长最快的全球职场改革运动之一,这种未来性面临着更多的负荷和需求。 Compared with the beginning that has surpassed the solid-state office form, the future office space has become one of the fastest-growing global workplace reform movements. This future is facing more load and demand. 平面图 设计机构|印际空间设计 Design agency | Yinji Space Design 材料说明|大理石、艺术涂料、不锈钢、木饰面 Material specification | Marble, art paint, stainless steel, wood finish 项目地址|山东 The project address is |Shan dong 项目面积|600㎡ Project area||600㎡ 完成时间|2021年10月 Completion time | Oct.2021 摄影|朴言 Photography | Pu yan 印际空间设计官方联系渠道: 电话:0539—7030286 地址:山东省临沂市中央时代广场A座21层 [url=]印际空间设计事务所[/url] |
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