本案位于重庆市渝北区嘉陵江畔,小区依山傍水,地理环境优越。业主对于新家的打造充满了期望,希望最后的效果能呈现出一个明亮、通透、干净、整洁的感觉。设计团队通过对空间功能的调整,优化布局,最大限度的满足了业主对风格和使用的需求。 This case is located on the bank of Jialing River, Yubei District, Chongqing. The community is close to mountains and rivers and has a superior geographical environment. The owner is full of expectations for the construction of the new house. He hopes that the final effect will show a bright, transparent, clean and tidy feeling. Through the adjustment of space functions, the design team optimizes the layout to meet the owner's needs for style and use to the greatest extent. ![]() 每当家像一个概念一样 Whenever home is like a concept 浮现于我们的记忆之上 Emerges from our memory 它的颜色是深沉的 Its color is deep 最深的幸福The deepest happiness 最厚重的爱 The heaviest love 都藏在家里 All hidden at home 家人闲坐,灯火可亲 Family sit around and the lights are amiable 日日有小暖,至味在人间 The real happiness is in the world everyday ——汪曾祺 Wang Zengqi 推开门 归家 Open the door and come home 卸去一身疲惫 Get rid of fatigue 静静感受理想居所的温暖与舒适 Quietly feel the warmth and comfort of the ideal residence ![]() 入户处小白砖墙面纯净且不失精致 The small white brick wall at the entrance is pure and exquisite 作为空间延伸的起始 As the beginning of space extension 开阔与明亮随即呈现 The feeling of openness and brightness appears immediately ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 客餐厅一体化 Integration of living room and dining room 白色立面与浅灰色地面柔和交融 The white facade blends gently with the light gray ground 搭配原木家具 With log furniture 沉静中带入一丝温和 Bring a trace of gentleness into silence
中岛乔治沙发椅与实木边桌相得益彰 George Nakashima sofa chair and solid wood side table complement each other 静坐窗边 品茗观景 Sit by the window,enjoy tea and view the scenery 且看窗内窗外光影交替 四季流转 Look inside and outside the window, the light and shadow alternate, and the seasons flow 人与自然的交流随时都在发生着 The communication between man and nature is happening at any time. 实木餐桌沉稳厚重 The solid wood dining table is steady and heavy 搭配藤编餐椅氛围感满满 Paired with rattan dining chairs, the atmosphere is full 用餐同时 尽收满眼江景 At dinner, you can have a panoramic view of the river 这里不仅是一家人的三餐之所 This is not only a place for a family's three meals 更是传递温情之处 It is also a place to convey warmth 三餐有味 四季有景 Three meals are delicious and the seasons are beautiful
半开放式厨房 Semi open kitchen 色调沿用白色和原木的温暖组合 The hue follows the warm combination of white and logs 岩板岛台链接厨房与餐厅 Sintered stone table connects the kitchen and the dining room 谈笑间 烹饪的乐趣自在轻松 While talking and laughing the fun of cooking is free and easy
楼梯旁的开放式书架 Open bookshelf by stairs 看似简单实则精心 It looks simple, but actually well designed 倚靠Togo沙发 静心阅读 Lean on the Togo sofa and read quietly 享受每一刻的坦然 自得其乐 Enjoy every moment of peace and contentment
与二层公区连接的两间儿童房 Two children's rooms connected to the public area on the second floor 为男孩子们提供一方天地 Provide a place for boys 这里将是两个男孩年幼时的无话不说 This will be where the two boys said everything when they were young 少年时的意气相投 Congenial as teenagers
每一处空间都自然而舒适 Every space is natural and comfortable 充满生活的温度 The house is full of the temperature of life 乐趣不断出现 回忆不断储藏 Fun continues to appear, memories continue to be stored
卧室是每个人的静修之地 The bedroom is everyone's retreat 也是最长的休憩之所 And also the longest rest place 深夜的晚安与清晨的阳光 Sleep at night and sunshine in the morning 都是最原始的松弛与从容 Are the most primitive relaxation and calm 简洁的颜色和布局,沉静而温暖 Simple color and layout, quiet and warm
衣帽间不张扬的嵌入墙内 The cloakroom is not publicized and embedded in the wall 主人的故事被安心收藏 The master's story was collected at ease
归家的本真即是生活的温度 An ideal house is an ideal life 不需要繁杂和花哨 No need for complexity and fancy 只有纯粹而干净的感情 Only pure and clean feelings 它不只是我们的栖身之所 It's not just where we live 更是爱与情感的交融之处 But also the blend of love and emotion
平面构成/Planar formation
一层/1F 二层/2F 三层/3F
设计机构:濤墨设计 Design Organization:Tamo design 主案设计:王涛墨 Main design:WangTaoMo 设计团队:赵博 胡江鑫 石罗川 Design team:Zhaobo Hujiangxin Shiluochuan 软装设计:陈婷婷 任星雨 郑迦尹 Soft Design:Chentingting Renxingyu Zhengjiayin 项目地址:重庆华侨城天澜美墅 Project address:Chongqing Tianlanmeishu Residence of OCT 项目面积:套内189㎡ Project area:189㎡
王涛墨 Wang Taomo 濤墨设计创始人/设计总监/中国建筑装饰协会注册设计师 Founder of Taomo Design / Design Director / Registered Designer of China Building Decoration Association 濤墨设计是一家致力于创新性人居空间的设计机构,关注空间艺术性与整体性,重视空间由细节至整体所营造的感官体验。秉承随性自然的设计理念,主张将自然元素融入设计空间。强调设计过程的柔顺、退避、谦让,用“有温度的设计”营造和平、健康、舒适、有爱的现代中国人居生活方式。 Taomo Design is a design organization dedicated to innovative living space, paying attention to the artistry and integrity of the space, and the sensory experience created by the space from detail to the whole. Adhering to the natural design concept, it advocates integrating natural elements into the design space. It emphasizes the flexibility, retreat and humility of the design process, and uses the idea "design with temperature" to create a peaceful, healthy, comfortable and loving modern Chinese residential lifestyle. -END- 濤墨DSEIGN 项目咨询/商务合作 Project consultation / business cooperation E/7190759@qq.com T/13983115331 |
CindyC 2021-11-30 19:35:52
谢浩田 发表于 2021-11-30 09:40
CindyC 2021-11-30 19:33:12
zdj930819 发表于 2021-11-30 09:27
2楼壁龛我不太能理解 给淋浴房外面用的? 为什么不给淋浴房里面用呢
CindyC 2021-11-30 19:31:20
谢浩田 发表于 2021-11-30 09:40
Duo-rui-xi 2021-11-30 10:19:07
谢浩田 发表于 2021-11-30 09:40