安定案例 | 归

本帖最后由 安定空间设计 于 2021-12-1 16:27 编辑
5 F, J+ F, `7 Z/ ^! S, V- X$ a% }5 x  L: v2 Y: i) a7 ~5 g
「01起  源」
0 J# b  B6 G8 M

" \  N) m+ H) O4 }; v+ w( k
The project is located in a village 80 minutes away from downtown Fuzhou, where the owner’s ancestral home and the place where his parents met. It is a 10-minute walk from the top of the mountain to the village. There are fish ponds, fruit and vegetable gardens, native chickens and ducks, covered bridges, outdoor barbecues and other supporting facilities. Life here will not be lonely at all.

! `  ?9 n2 T- d( ]7 p) ^+ D! |2 j3 \" \7 Y

2 X7 ]4 p$ w( s: m: {1 n

9 w& l- M% D9 j: ]8 ]' ^+ f1 e- N7 O: d, n9 K! a8 c  s0 u

) n5 h6 @8 R9 \! y6 m
Along the street is only a small area of daylighting to attract people's prying eyes, while the other three sides have large areas of daylighting, opening the horizons horizontally and vertically, bringing the four seasons and reincarnation into view. Sunrise and sunset, let light and shadow spill into the space, feel the company of day and night, breathe the beauty of time.

9 L) C! G# s5 h8 v4 Z
The simple and majestic entrance, the surrounding low wall adds mystery to the courtyard scenery.

" v5 h% W- I' a( H8 E
Viewed from the back, the shape of the building resembles a gesture of arms stretched out.: Q1 S2 A/ x/ h: T2 ?

* p- e' q& A# e6 J4 @7 `) t
You can see the small trees in the atrium close by, and the lush greenery in the distance.

, _3 ~( g- @% i8 A" @( W# Z+ J

! w8 o. r% Y, X' W9 v
夯土墙、老杉木、原石表层等, 让这片风土之物源于一处。
Rammed earth walls, old fir, rough surface, etc., let this piece of terroir come from one place.
3 ^9 F9 D8 U' @. e0 ?( p
飞出的长廊平台,意味家的方向, 让身心休憩后,再出发。
The promenade platform flying out indicates the direction of home. Let the body and mind rest before setting off.
1 ?$ }) J# G5 `1 S+ \' l9 y# r

! U, Y2 v: v4 I' N5 ~

$ Z. X# v/ W# N
因地制宜、因循自然, 建筑与林木,你中有我我中有你。
Adapt to local conditions, follow nature, architecture and forests, you are in me and I am in you.
/ m1 w- K9 O! E: o0 D

# a; Z* p1 n. z+ b
项目地点 | 福州
- x8 G5 z2 D4 q
项目名称 | 归
3 \) \0 ~- @' r! z' j7 U7 C! ^6 U' V& W# ?$ Z: }
项目面积 | 500㎡
; H2 g: ~1 H& C8 I# y9 g7 Y" o5 I5 q' s+ p0 Y
设计师    | 李敏
. m2 B9 e  R' a  g
设计团队 | 福建安定空间设计有限公司
! M0 p3 u; n; l( T8 y, m* Y) A0 C

# T' t, W$ w+ @- u3 h+ y
8 r' W" e2 z; p# ?


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