![]() 本案业主女儿对设计有独到追求,温州至杭州辗转多次之后,最终认定我们做异地设计;父母二人虽近平头甲子但有着与时俱进的审美与较高的接受度,美学思维与设计同频共振,打造如此醰醰有味的美居。 The owner of this case has a unique pursuit of design, two people from Wenzhou to Hangzhou repeatedly, finally identified that we do different design; Although the two parents are nearly 60 years old, they have advanced aesthetics and high acceptance. Their aesthetic thinking and design resonate with each other, creating such a mouthful of Merlot. Porch / 玄关 ![]() Living room & Restaurant / 客餐厅 ![]() 入户门偏中轴一侧立有承重柱,顺势而为延长板块落成入户玄关,自然为之生成入户双动线,开启多元化趣味生活模式。 There is a load-bearing column on one side of the partial axis of the entrance door, which is built into the entrance porch for the extension of the plate. It naturally generates a double moving line for the entrance and opens the diversified interesting life mode. ![]() ![]() 重新定量区域形体,并不受限于承重柱等不可变量所构架的空间,沙发一侧墙体连至就餐区做排柜,空间前移与纳入客厅的阳台区域形成更为融合的立面。 Re-quantifying the regional shape is not limited to the space framed by immovable variables such as load-bearing columns. The wall on one side of the sofa is connected to the dining area as a row cabinet, and the space is moved forward and incorporated into the balcony area of the living room to form a more integrated facade. ![]() ![]() 罗列空间模块再组合,巧用空间线面关系,丰富三维视觉美感的同时,亦是带有极富生活化的务实收纳功能,于玄关吊柜处、于客餐侧墙处,填以线条、格口的开放展览空间为实用功能加添艺术情致。 Listing space module recombination, skillfully use space line and surface relations, rich three-dimensional visual aesthetic feeling at the same time, but also with extremely rich life of practical storage function, in the hallway condole ark, in the side wall of the guest meal, fill with lines, lattice open exhibition space for the practical function to add artistic sentiment. ![]() Master bedroom / 主卧 主卧以浅卡其、原木色、加以爵士白营造淡雅的睡眠空间。 Advocate lie with shallow khaqi, wood color, try jazz white to build quietly elegant morpheus space. 宽绰的睡眠空间有休闲区可得,以爵士白为主角,八角形态多窗多角度的充盈光线,透亮扩容打造悠然自得的闲适。 Generous sleeping space with leisure area, jazz white as the protagonist, octagonal shape multi-window multi-angle filling light, bright expansion to create a leisurely and comfortable. 依据通透开放的初衷主卧设计双开门,衣帽间设为走入式将空间一体化呈现,卫生间与衣帽间整合动线重叠更为高效便利。 According to the original intention of transparent and open, the master bedroom is designed with double doors, the cloakroom is set as a walk-in space integration, and the integration and overlap of moving lines between the bathroom and cloakroom is more efficient and convenient. Second bedroom / 次卧 基于业主大女儿曾于英国留学 怀念那段生活,她的卧室风格中加入英式元素,根据所居之人定制独属她的理想氛围。 Based on the fact that the owner's eldest daughter once studied in The UK and missed that life, we added British elements into her bedroom style and customized her ideal atmosphere according to the people in the bedroom. 偏向于少女感浓重的土黄色是为二女儿打造,床头背景以斜面结构的层次递进处理,光感氛围的营造更是点睛之笔。 The earthen yellow with a strong sense of girlhood is made for the second daughter. The background of the head of a bed is processed by gradation of inclined plane structure, and the creation of light atmosphere is the finishing touch. Rest area / 休闲区 House type&Plane design \ 原始结构&平面设计图 |