贝聿铭曾说,“最美的设计,应该是建筑在时间之上的”,建筑之美正如珠宝一样,越是久远地经受时间洗礼,就越能焕发炫目的光辉。 Leoh Ming Pei once said that the most beautiful design should be built on time. The beauty of architecture is same as jewelry in that the longer it withstands the baptism of time, the more dazzling glory can glow. 坐落于吉林长春的Rotass珠宝定制旗舰店项目,正是秉持着“以打磨珠宝之匠心,做传世经典之设计”这一理念,融时尚态度与美学精神为一体,将这一设计力作精彩呈现。 Adhering to the philosophy that making classic designs with originality of polishing jewelry, Rotass Jewelry Customized Flagship Store, a shop located in Changchun, Jilin province, makes a good mastery between fashion and aesthetic spirit, so that it could make this design a masterpiece.
珠宝设计不同于其他业态,在门店设计上务求以最准确的语汇来诠释品牌态度和美学精神。项目外立面部分,设计师将点状LED灯以阵列形式有序排布,极具镶嵌感的装饰手法让灯带犹如熠熠生辉的辅钻,流溢出夺目的华彩辉光,凸显出Rotass作为珠宝品牌的专业调性。同时,设计师在8米长的展示墙上设置了视野通透的落地玻璃,把文艺雍雅的室内场景延伸出去,拉近于往来人流的视觉距离。 Different from other businesses, jewelry design emphasizes that the store design should interpret the brand attitude and aesthetic spirit with the most accurate language. As for the design of the store appearance, the designer arranges point-shaped LED lights in good order. The highly inlaid decorative technique made the lamp belt look like a shining auxiliary diamond, overflowing with dazzling brilliance, thus highlighting the professional tone of Rotass as a jewelry brand. Meanwhile, the designer sets up the transparent floor glass on a eight-meter-long display wall so that it can extend the graceful indoor scene and narrow the visual distance between people.
与传统商业展柜陈列方式不同,前厅的功能定位于顾客接待和咖啡茶歇,沿落地窗一侧设置了沙发组与散座,舒适惬意的场景描摹将定制服务与传统商业模式鲜明区分开来。天顶装饰以点、线、面的元素有机组合,设计师将灯带以不规则线形环绕立柱四周,红色微光漫射于金属波纹板上,将光线人为打散,漾动的流光洒落于陈列的珠宝首饰上,更能凸显钻石剔透闪耀的质感。 The function of the front hall, different from the traditional commercial display cabinets, is served as a area for customer reception and tea break. Sofa sets and seats are set along the side of the French window. The comfortable scene clearly distinguishes customized services from traditional business models. The ceiling decoration is a perfect combination of point, line and surface elements. The designer puts the light belt around the column in an irregular line shape, and the red light diffuses on the metal corrugated plate, artificially dispersing the light. The flowing light falls on the jewelry on display, highlighting the sparkling texture of diamond.
品牌景观毗邻接待台,以不规则四边形波纹板拼搭出规整的凹面,六边形广告灯牌在中心映射微光,景观整体呼应钻石经典的切割工艺,加之波纹板凹凸不平的肌理感,搅动起场域内的光影,形成光线的变幻与流动,拉伸空间的视觉层次感。 The brand landscape, adjacent to the reception desk, is in a trapezoid corrugated plate. The hexagon advertising light board is in the center to reflect the glimmering light, echoing with the whole. Together with corrugated plate in uneven texture, the brand landscape perfectly shows the flow of light and extends the sense of depth of the whole space. 形象墙延伸了前厅一贯使用的波纹板材质,艺术造型“马鹿”曲颈俯首,与地面的倒影相互辉映,有效提升空间质感与艺术氛围,奇幻优雅的造型设计趋同于当代年轻人的审美取向,使场域气质更贴近目标顾客群体,设计师巧妙地运用首因效应精准把握目标顾客群体的喜好偏向,激发美学理念的同频共振。 The feature wall is decorated with the corrugated sheet material the same as the front hall. The artistic shape of wapiti reflects with the reflection of the ground, effectively enhancing the texture of space and the artistic atmosphere. The fantastic and elegant shape design is consistent with the aesthetic orientation of contemporary young people, making the space closer to the target customers. The designer skillfully uses the primacy effect to accurately grasp the preferences of target customers and stimulate the resonance of aesthetic ideas. ![]() 中厅为珠宝售卖与客户洽谈区,设计师运用大量的弧形拱顶元素塑造出穹顶般庄重恢弘的仪式氛围感。洽谈区中央,大量的十字形镂空拱顶隔断分割出一个个独立的区域,既保证了客户商谈的私密性,也加强了空间的景深效果。艺术灯饰与现代造型对应穿插于隔断之间,形成观感上的镜像效应,展现出虚实交织的朦胧之美。 The middle hall is a negotiation area for jewelry sales. The designer uses a large number of arc-shaped arch elements to create a solemn and grand ceremonial atmosphere. In the center of the negotiation area, a large number of cross-shaped hollow vault partitions are divided into several independent areas, which not only ensure the privacy of customer negotiations, but strengthen the effect of space depth of field. The artistic lighting and modern modeling are interspersed between the partitions, forming a mirror effect on the one hand, and showing the hazy beauty between virtuality and reality on the other. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 中厅主墙体饰面以设计师的典藏手稿为背景,将珠宝定制的一系列流程完整还原于墙面之上,让顾客能够直观感受到品牌的匠心工艺与绝妙创意。设计师以“殿堂”为灵感,运用大量的拱顶和镜面元素,拉升空间的视觉高度,使整个场域充斥着神圣的庄严感与仪式感,让消费变为一次虔诚的艺术朝圣,唤醒每位顾客内心深处对美的敬畏。 The main wall of the hall is decorated with the designer's collected manuscripts as the background, and a series of jewelry customization processes are completely restored on the wall, so that customers can intuitively feel the craftsmanship and marvel at the excellent creativity of the brand. Inspired by palace, the designer uses a large number of vaults and mirror elements to raise the visual height of the space, filling the whole field space a sense of sacred solemnness and ceremony, and making customers feel like their consumption is as pious as an art pilgrimage, as well as awakening each customer's deep reverence for beauty.
平面图 项目信息 项目名称:Rotass珠宝定制旗舰店 Project Name: Rotass Jewelry Customized Flagship Store 项目地址:吉林省长春市朝阳区重庆路1088号 Location: Changchun, China 设计单位:YDS姚晓冰设计事务所 Design Company: Yao Xiaobing Space Design Studio 主案设计师:姚晓冰 Chief Designer: Xiaobing Yao 辅助设计师:廖雅丽 Assistant Designer:Yali Liao 灯光设计师:王兴强 Lighting designer: Xingqiang Wang 项目面积:500平米 Area: 500 square meters 项目造价:180万元 Cost: 1.8 million 完工时间:2021年8月10日 Completion Time: August 10, 2021 主要材料:镜面不锈钢、水波纹板、白色镜面瓷砖、黑色背漆玻璃、定制烤漆雕塑 Main materials: mirror stainless steel, water corrugated board, white mirror tile, black back painted glass, custom painted sculpture 项目摄影:窦强 Photographer: Dou Qiang 姚晓冰 YDS Interior Design创始人设计总监 姚晓冰先生毕业于西南交通大学建筑系,工业设计学士和环境艺术规划学研究生。在成都成立YDS之前,他曾经在深圳的香港SYT酒店设计事务所工作,后又在意大利米兰理工大学,米兰新美术学院简称:NABA修读室内设计专业。 姚晓冰先生曾赢取多个国际性奖项,荣获2019—2020意大利A'Design Award 国际设计最高奖铂金大奖、和两项金奖;并包括法国INNODESIGN PRIZE国际创新设计大奖,美国建筑大师奖 The Architecture Master Prize,LICC英国伦敦国际创意大赛大奖,美国. “IDA”国际设计大奖,几度荣获素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的意大利A'Design Award 国际设计奖的著名设计师之一。并且荣获2017年台湾IDS国际设计先锋榜.商业空间类金奖,十间坊中国实战设计大赛上获得全国总冠军,并受聘:中国[十间坊]设计大赛主委会 80后设计师导师。
成都姚晓冰建筑装饰设计有限公司 Chengdu yaoxiaobing architectural decoration design Co., Ltd 地址:中国四川省成都市高新区天府大道北段1707号 环球中心W3 2121室 Address: room W3 2121, global center, no.1707, north section of Tianfu Avenue, hi tech Zone, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 商务联系Business contacts. 电话Tel:18080888884 13438888838 邮件Mail:admin@y-d-s-design.com 微博weiboundefined姚晓冰设计事务所 微信公众号Wechat:Y D S Interior Design设计事务所