本帖最后由 MilloDesign 于 2021-12-6 16:14 编辑 ; x6 z6 a) H1 D8 k5 D ' E9 n6 b p J; F: v$ \ v 7 B! b4 r1 Y) g' G2 o0 _ 米洛映象|深圳观澜高尔夫别墅 :浓墨重笔,诠释奢华意境 X3 t& X6 n& q' y- y / H7 ?9 C4 J4 Q$ O" m' M8 W 6 x2 P% x7 \' _* m3 y 1 Q: _3 T6 k: ?; R. _ x/ W, C! a 0 c3 O" K" ?. f: V# ~! i9 M" z作为物质文明与精神文明的载体 & D# j4 }- d+ `& F( Y4 l/ C 建筑本身就是一种文化 t: A Z; G6 A& j2 o 是价值观念、行为方式 和技术总和的表意象征 $ r& L1 S& Z9 x' V# m- _$ M , x6 {$ R: h2 f8 W ; V* c0 E# j& S4 N5 { As the carrier of material civilization and spiritual civilization Architecture itself is a kind of culture ; K: [' s- i8 H2 G" ]0 Q& ^ 6 O( r3 y7 v: O6 h% v9 i, @ It's values, it's behavior & f' X6 i4 `% c# B q W. B7 N- A( A9 W And the ideographic symbol of the totality of technology . e$ G! p4 T: V . z: A& I# ^6 A& @! L2 S& r. r; N* ^- b1 C; i: Y' N# c: O' K1 f / k" _. W2 S1 k3 B4 p' _6 K/ ?6 K) O! P 01 美式与法式的文化情调 American and French cultural sentiment - 5 F2 I E/ { p ) s' W. `2 A7 q( J, x7 t* M 4 L+ {& z1 o& z4 K1 u6 w) [: G' S& o! z( X# i ) Y g! {/ l! G6 U8 G3 {3 u5 k- f. f* V) w( B- v( b7 X $ V/ m5 m2 d0 |5 W % B% x4 M+ J* J 8 b- n; i7 v; O8 _* J7 H - r9 @& O# H3 O ' M+ D6 {4 O, ]. q0 ~1 u 5 K0 m( R6 j9 l/ x4 P& Z 6 i' d& n2 b% f 第三层空间的整体色调选择了饱和度较高的藏蓝与金黄色进行搭配,起到提亮整个空间的作用,达成稳重中透着奢华的视觉效果。 The overall tone of the third floor space chooses the Tibetan blue and golden yellow with higher saturation to match, which plays a role in brightening the whole space and achieves a stable and luxurious visual effect. " x% [& r4 ? w " G9 j8 Q7 L9 Q: g & d1 s8 M; a4 t1 S1 @ - ]% {! q" e2 W( |7 M# d ( G( k6 S7 t! n / X; R7 v1 |- I8 S% a- E 2 [0 y) R9 R) X% S- ~ N u7 L# E. ?# \( z 8 O1 v( E8 R6 h" D { % d8 [' G0 H5 g$ V' N 公共区域贵气十足,落地窗将室外阳光与景色一同引入,充裕的光线在空间内反射出亮丽非凡的视觉享受。 The public area is very expensive, French Windows will be outdoor sunshine and scenery together, abundant light reflected in the space a bright and extraordinary visual enjoyment. a' z& f7 {+ a# D8 h ( K: {7 x# N+ U. u5 [ : L5 _" f) a+ [6 J" b, Z% w# c3 p + T+ N* E9 W# f- r* e$ [0 j & X$ m% J5 N7 k8 Z8 I/ I9 ? ) T J1 u0 {6 ^' d5 { # L) Y- x) h7 J$ { " F W4 f r2 `, }# Y 女儿房以清新活力的色彩为基调。软装主色提取顶面的天蓝色,米黄色的墙板搭配金色线条,散发着艺术与浪漫的法式气息,营造女性优雅的生活氛围。 Daughter room is fundamental key with the colour of pure and fresh vitality. Soft outfit main color extracts top surface sky blue, beige wall board matches golden line, exudes artistic and romantic French breath, creates female elegant life atmosphere. 6 Y B8 S9 S. T: i' `9 Y0 T( v % a1 s$ M& H1 r Z# h3 Z ( e- y" |9 `9 b9 U _5 b 5 y1 x; x$ W: e) M! f2 F: T - S2 |/ X5 {9 N. i/ c! ? / e9 q: S y' {; r5 q( V. N + X# \' V5 C* }/ g: D( q : q) O! o9 c4 d# {* b4 Z4 s% R% A' g$ d 主人房与书房风格一致,色调沉稳,美式护墙板、皮质硬包、鼎立的罗马柱、挑高的穹顶,极具古典优雅的美式氛围。 Master room and study style are consistent, tonal calm, American clapboard, coriaceous hard bag, the Roman column that stand against each other, carry tall dome, have classic elegant American atmosphere extremely. * W: l* g( V8 m8 x } , ~0 U' W5 M D1 z ] 5 F) I/ \' E5 L 02 经典欧式典雅风情 Classic European elegant amorous feelings - , |8 O% Z! h! E* t! i8 R5 _) m' d; M' U4 S " Q7 ]6 t' h- o; W, L 2 v% W% G: y. Y8 N * D! L8 Y8 e- n9 U% f# `1 X* S , k( M/ D" i6 { + p9 `" }8 Y& q, H4 F3 o# @ # W1 T/ D% \, V+ [, H8 s# A & ]& d }/ i8 ~" e; ]+ |2 E) l% | ; p5 v) y- L- W' k5 _6 n ) w, X+ x# I7 ^, U1 V5 M, Y 二层空间的软装配置选择了黑酸枝为主材来融合石材的清冷,木材的温润与皮革布艺的柔软弱化了石材与金属的坚硬,恰到好处的一抹深蓝配色,为整个空间增添温馨舒适的生活气息。 The soft decoration of the second floor space chooses black acid branches as the main material to blend the cold of stone. The warmth of wood and the softness of leather cloth weaken the hardness of stone and metal, and a proper touch of dark blue color adds a warm and comfortable life atmosphere to the whole space. - Z- H! U! q8 R; W$ O 7 e8 W, z; L9 W5 r& I& H ; K2 c. o: W9 p, B / ~% o! x9 L* U+ Y. S9 z6 ~ ; ]% ]; Q. j# m: `: V3 ^5 a7 W7 n ]9 j; v7 g# E/ s2 i: D* Q3 u 5 h# e: A+ y& D5 q4 u: C* U 空间整体风格继承了巴洛克风格中豪华、古典、多变的视觉效果,沉稳富丽。以华丽的装饰、浓烈的色彩、精美的造型达到雍容华贵的装饰效果。 The overall style of the space has inherited the luxurious, classical and changeable visual effects of the Baroque style, composed and rich. With gorgeous decoration, strong color, exquisite modeling to achieve elegant decorative effect. % M6 v* {8 H1 W+ U m$ P3 C ; p0 U; Q" z3 B$ Q4 h) K1 P% X! g0 ? ; }9 f1 z9 L6 @. H 5 _0 _( j( G+ {0 ]" o6 M " A- o" R B8 I7 r4 N) P % i9 V3 Y. o' t9 S 9 G8 | a$ J J) _: F- \7 E 8 z; U; |+ `6 m! q$ i* j: `7 s8 J$ D! }1 v: H- V' I / G8 y8 R/ |* w# [ 9 g, m& f2 F1 U( j/ ~ 1 ]0 m8 J6 b Q$ b; p9 p03 传统古韵古风之境 The land of traditional ancient rhyme and ancient style - : ~. e+ S$ W% ]6 t" z! z" m2 d 0 L8 Y# j3 H8 D ' j% I9 U1 o4 \3 z0 J & }$ P. I* D$ F) M9 L T' n6 [6 I5 E+ l, q * E7 o* k3 o6 l 5 B! e2 p& k% v/ D Y5 X/ k$ f; o# l6 }/ ^/ O2 t! P + [9 m! i+ {8 v9 Y ]. L6 @( P $ @) i( D. F& o 一层空间为古典隽永的经典中式风格。所谓“红墙黄瓦,朱门金钉”,大气庄重的视觉体验结合传统对称美学,历史的厚重感扑面而来。 The space of the first floor is classic and meaningful classic Chinese style. The so-called "red walls and yellow tiles, red doors and golden nails", the grand and solemn visual experience combined with traditional symmetry aesthetics, the heavy sense of history. ) L. Y1 V" t4 Z$ ~- u9 Z7 o 9 B2 X# Y0 K: O" m# _4 C4 F2 f 9 [( s" L' e2 n) Z* J/ g 5 M" T' `2 N* T 3 r% s6 b6 S7 q2 i* e % h' J* V3 x7 O( K& s) Q4 q- | ! {# l; o' ^* q: G7 [5 R& ^/ e6 k7 ? ( B; M- @( }* j2 g P+ ] ?, |2 Q6 {' v: t4 G; p 9 F# W9 n/ h/ X+ ^% y7 a% n/ o* f. n* ?在软装配置中,运用了多种中式元素装饰,主色为朱砂红,绯红、枣红、绛红、胭脂红…配色以黛蓝为主,几抹明黄花艺装点,轻盈明快,调和红色之余更有衬托之意。 In the soft outfit configuration, the use of a variety of Chinese elements decoration, the main color is cinnabar red, crimson, jube, crimson, carmine... Match color to be given priority to with black blue, a few bright yellow flower art deck, lightsome and lively, harmonic gules more foil meaning. ) C- i; G. b) p& e 3 t7 w k: B* F6 o' N# L ' Y4 y' P$ W5 ] 5 H; |3 x0 {3 Y. G' k2 O , W5 I+ l- K* V& ?: c2 P 4 @+ h, l! A: c( @- J# C 高空间,大进深。雕梁画柱般绵延不绝的古典建筑气势恢宏、壮丽华贵。 High space, great depth. The continuous classical architecture of carved beams and painted columns is magnificent and magnificent. 4 w* b$ N. s- ]) g! j( \/ s " ]) l8 _! `# H7 O* P' n / p N7 z# b* w/ [* u8 o 4 `6 a: V' M% m! @4 x- V " a1 D+ c9 b% u, j( |/ R: i, } 2 x( d6 G) |0 Q0 q# w 4 o, r1 |7 r; j0 G" K 3 S$ F, q Y6 l. P. t, m; ~ 3 Y5 C8 r4 b" E! U% [ 精雕细琢、瑰丽奇巧的家居装饰,通过中式风格的特征,表达对清雅含蓄、端庄丰华的东方式精神境界的追求。 Elaborately carved, rich and wonderful household decoration, through the characteristics of Chinese style style, express the pursuit of elegant implicative, dignified and abundant Oriental spiritual realm. & C! k" X, ]' c1 L6 U' W4 e1 l 6 P3 {' ~) ^ ? 6 M6 o7 Q( l& v6 ?' |/ M8 b d % V! w2 T" ]) T7 h6 F 7 Z4 w1 G/ R' y' B" t3 ]0 F 7 R# h- y" g5 D. i6 t X) n 5 M+ O4 R8 g& p+ u ( f" R6 Z% O1 w* \8 S 2 L$ \( R9 U. B 【平面设计图】 2 [$ f N4 ~+ ?8 o " z# Q) g2 O( t) o4 v5 U5 D f 9 b) A- u& Q! _% @9 f 0 w5 }$ O- S" j- @& ]5 h7 Y " r% |' Z- t3 Y $ w/ U, _% j. M" K, { 7 Q5 P% K7 M- [7 j) R0 y* @2 ? $ V) z J3 \7 G4 v- \0 ` " G p0 p, y7 Y \8 a0 h) p $ ?& `0 _* f/ p8 J, u & T- {8 t8 T1 P5 _3 J1 C5 q P! B PROJECT INTRODUCTION ; ^" u. E5 H' d4 Y- 项目名称|深圳观澜高尔夫别墅 Project Name | Mission Hills Golf Villa in Shenzhen 项目类型|别墅公馆 Project Type | Villa residence 软装设计|米洛映象 Soft Decoration Design | Millo Casa 硬装设计|深圳居众装饰 Hard Outfit Design | Shenzhen Juzhong Decoration 项目地点|深圳市龙华区 Project Site | Longhua District, Shenzhen 项目面积|1140㎡ Project Area | 1140㎡ 完工时间|2021.04 Completion Time | 2021.04 0 m5 Z4 ^/ R+ d1 q$ I, s8 n$ u |
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